Jesús A. del Alamo


Publications 1993

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RC-61. Wyss, R.A., C.C. Eugster, J. A. del Alamo, M.J. Rooks, M.R. Melloch, and Q. Hu, "Far-infrared Study of an Antenna-Coupled Quantum Point Contact", International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, December 1993, p. 667.

RJ-60. Eugster, C.C., J. A. del Alamo, M.R. Melloch, and M.J. Rooks, "1D to 2D Tunneling in Electron Waveguides", Physical Review B 48, 15057-15067, November 1993.

RJ-59. Eugster, C.C., P.R. Nuytkens, and J. A. del Alamo, "A Novel Analog-to-Digital Conversion Architecture Using Electron Waveguides", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 40, 1910-1916, November 1993. (paper)

RJ-58. Wyss, R.A., C.C. Eugster, J. A. del Alamo, and Q. Hu, "Far-Infrared Photon-Induced Current in a Quantum Point Contact", Applied Physics Letters 63, 1522-1524, September 1993.

RC-57. Hu, Q., R.A. Wyss, C.C. Eugster, J. A. del Alamo, and S. Feng, "Far-Infrared Study of an Antenna-Coupled Quantum Point Contact", NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Quantum Well Intersubband Transition Physics and Devices, Whistler, Canada, September 1993, p. 553.

RC-56. Dickmann, J., S. Schildberg, H. Dämbkes, S.R. Bahl, and J. A. del Alamo, "Characterization of the Breakdown Behavior of Pseudomorphic InAlAs/InxGa1-xAs/InP HEMTs with High Breakdown Voltages", 20th International Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, Freiburg, Germany, August 1993; Institute of Physics Conference Series 137, 1994, 65-70.

RJ-57. Bennett, B.R. and J. A. del Alamo, "Thermal Stability of Strained In x Ga 1-x As/In x Al 1-x As /InP Heterostructures", Applied Physics Letters 63 , 1122-1124, August 1993. (paper)

RJ-56. Bahl, S.R. and J. A. del Alamo, "A New Drain-Current Injection Technique for the Measurement of Breakdown Voltage in FETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 40 (8), 1558-1560, August 1993. (paper)

RJ-55. Bennett, B.R. and J. A. del Alamo, "Optimal Epilayer Thickness for InxGa1-xAs and InxAl1-xAs Composition Measurement by High-Resolution X-ray Diffraction", Journal of Applied Physics 73, 8304-8308, June 1993.

RC-55. Bennett, B.R., J. A. del Alamo, F. Peiró, A. Cornet, D.E. Aspnes, "Origin of Optical Anisotropy in Strained InxGa1-xAs/InP and InxAl1-xAs/InP Heterostructures", 35th Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1993.

RC-54. De Boeck, J., W. Van Roy, A. Van Esch, H. Bender, G. Borghs, P. Van Mieghem, R. O'Handley, B.R. Bennett, J. A. del Alamo, M. Tanaka, J.P. Harbison, T. Cheeks, and T.D. Sands, "Growth Parameter Dependent Magnetic Properties and Curie Temperature of Ferromagnetic Epitaxial ?-MnAl on GaAs", 35th Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1993.

RC-53. Bahl, S.R., J. A. del Alamo, J. Dickmann, and S. Schildberg, "Physics of Breakdown in InAlAs/InGaAs MODFETs", 51st Annual Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1993; abstract in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 40, 2110-2111, 1993. (paper)

RC-52. Eugster, C.C., J. A. del Alamo, M.R. Melloch, and M.J. Rooks, "1D to 1D Tunneling in a Dual Electron Waveguide Device", 51st Annual Device Research Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1993; abstract in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 40, 2135-2136, 1993. (paper)

RC-50. Dumas, J.M., P. Audren, M.P. Favennec, D. Lecrosnier, S.R. Bahl, and J. A. del Alamo, "An Investigation of Deep Levels in AnAlAs/n+-InGaAs Heterostructure FETs", Fifth International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Paris, France, April 1993, pp. 255-258. (paper)

RC-49. Bahl, S.R. and J. A. del Alamo, "Physics of Breakdown in InAlAs/n+-InGaAs HFETs", Fifth International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Paris, France, April 1993, pp. 243-246. (paper)

RC-48. Nuytkens, P.R., D.R. Greenberg, J. A. del Alamo, and E.J. Balboni, "A Monolithic Tunable High-Q InAlAs/n+-InP HFET Resonator", Fifth International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Paris, France, April 1993, pp. 389-392. (paper)

RC-47. Bennett, B.R. and J. A. del Alamo, "Thermal Stability of Pseudomorphic InxGa1-xAs/InyAl1-yAs/InP Heterostructures", Fifth International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, Paris, France, April 1993, pp. 455-458. (paper)

RJ-54. Bennett, B.R. and J. A. del Alamo, "Mismatched InGaAs/InP and InAlAs/InP Heterostructures with High Crystalline Quality", Journal of Applied Physics, 73, 3195-3202, April 1993.

RC-51. Hu, Q., R.A. Wyss, C.C. Eugster, J. A. del Alamo, S. Feng, M.J. Rooks, and M.R. Melloch, "A Novel Submillimeter-Wave Detector Using Quantum Point Contacts", Fourth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Los Angeles, CA, March 1993, p. 605-617.

RC-46. del Alamo, J. A. and C.C. Eugster, "Electron Waveguide Devices", (invited) International Workshop on GaAs Electronics: Towards Zero Dimensional Structures, Rome, Italy, February 1993; Alta Frequenza 5, 194-198, 1993.

RJ-53. Greenberg, D.R. and J. A. del Alamo, "The Impact of Electron Transport Regimes on the Linearity of AlGaAs/n+-InGaAs HFETs", Solid-State Electronics 36, 53-60, January 1993.

RJ-52. Bahl, S.R., B.R. Bennett, and J. A. del Alamo, "Doubly-Strained In0.41Al0.59As/n+-In0.65Ga0.35As HFET with High Breakdown Voltage", IEEE Electron Device Letters 14, 22-24, January 1993. (paper)

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