Note: Before diffusion processes, must do RCA clean
39, Floor 2
Building 39, Floor 3
Building 39, Floor 4
Building 39, Floor 5
Building 39, Floor 6
To download CAD schematics, visit the Facilities website.
Fab Operating Hours:
Mon - Thurs: 8:00am - 9:00pm
Fri: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Note: Toxic gases are shut off approx. 1/2 hour before closing
Two staff members on duty after 5PM
They can be reached by calling the "Lab-support phone:"
Access tailored to process needs
All-call Pager (broadcast to intercoms. in labs)
Dial x8-9656.
Process Technology Committee (PTC)
The PTC is composed of 3 faculty, 4 students and postdocs (who serve for 1 year), 1 rotating specialist and the Associate Director of Fab Operations, who chairs it.
It meets weekly to review and approve new ICL and TRL processes as well as all 24-hr status requests.
24-hr Users
24h-access to MTL is designed for experienced users who are very familiar with the lab. It is expected that a 24-hour user will not only know his/her own process but also be familiar with the cleanrooms in general and know how to respond to all situations that might be encountered after hours.
Users can request 24-hr status by sending a note to the PTC. If staff input on the request is positive, the PTC will conduct an oral safety interview with the applicant. If the request is approved, 24-hr status will allow the user to access the fab when there is no staff on duty, for doing processes that do not use toxic gases. There must be at least two 24-hr-qualified users (serving as buddy to each other) in the same fab at all times unless the user has been qualified for Remote Buddy status (see Remote Buddy SOP).
24-hr status is a privilege that can be revoked at any time for safety or fab protocol violations.
Getting a Process Started
To get a process started, a user:
Gold-bearing samples
TRL and some tools in ICL, allow processing of CMOS-compatible (VLSI, MEMS) as well as devices on III-V and other materials that may contain or have been exposed to Au, Fe & other metals that will create deep levels in Si. For convenience, these samples (wafers & pieces) and machines are referred to as “Au-bearing” and are labeled with red tape. CMOS-compatible samples & tools are labeled with green tape. Samples in EML are not labeled as green or red, since none of them can be transferred into ICL or TRL. The more flexible process capabilities may lead to a greater probability of processing-induced variation and cross-contamination, so maintaining strict segregation of red & green samples is critical. In addition to metals, there are other sources of contamination (eg, K, Na), so when processing a sample, follow the color-coded scheme created for distinguishing different levels of contamination [see TRL color codes].
For Equipment Problems
There are three mechanisms for reporting in CORAL, which will notify MTL staff and subscribed users via email:
For Process problems:
See the relevant Specialists and/or the Associate Director of Fab Operations.
New chemistry proposals:
To introduce a new chemical into the labs, submit the MSDS to both the PTC and the EHS Coordinator.
Research Results:
Submit to the MTL Annual Research Report every spring.
“This work was carried out in part through the use of MIT’s Microsystems Technology Laboratories”
Since the MTL Fabs are shared facilities, violating these rules is unethical.
Viewable here - following this link will open up the Machine Charge Chart in a new window.