IMPORTANT NOTE: This content is no longer being actively updated and has been transitioned to the MIT.nano Facility Users site. Please go there for up to date and additional information.
Fab Fees
- No fab access fees
- Monthly fees for computer account ($30) & Identicard ($10)
- Machine use fees reflect mode of operation of tool
(e.g., per batch, per wafer, per run + material)
- based on Machine Charge Chart
- use "process units" so can modify revenue maintaining relative tool costs
- currently 1 process unit = $8.50, for Internal & Outreach members; see FFA for industrial members
- Yearly "soft" cap – applies to Internal members only:
- $24k for students ($48k for staff, post-docs, etc.) + 20% of incurred fabfees
- includes precious metals and consumables
- excludes masks, wafers, services not in MTL (i.e., ion implant, EBL, CMSE)