Fabrication, measurements and modeling of silicon- and germanium-based devices for high-speed and low-power integrated circuits.
Molecular electronics, integration of biological materials and conventional electronics, electrical and exciton transport in organic materials, energy transfer, metal-organic contacts, low energy transistors.
Superconductive nanodevice physics and applications; nanofabrication methods, processes, and tool-development for application to quantum computing and single-photon detection.
Micro- and nano-technologies for tissue repair and regeneration. Applications in liver tissue engineering, cell-based BioMEMS, and nanobiotechnology.
Design for manufacturability (DFM) of processes, devices, and integrated circuits. Characterization and modeling of variation in semiconductor and MEMS manufacturing, with emphasis on chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP), electroplating, plasma etch, and embossing processes.
Sensing, display, user interface, and computation for consumer electronics applications, particularly self-organizing ecosystems of devices. Advanced data representations for multimedia.
Physical properties of organic and organic/inorganic nanocrystal composite thin films and structures, and development of nanostructured electronic and optoelectronic devices.
Design of digital integrated circuits and systems. Energy efficient implementation of signal processing, communication and medical systems. Circuit design with emerging technologies.
Parameterized model order reduction of linear and nonlinear dynamical systems; mixed-signal, RF and mm-wave circuit simulation and modeling for optimization; parasitic extraction and accelerated integral equation solvers; simulation and modeling tools for magnetic resonance imaging and for the human cardiovascular circulatory system.
Design of RF and mixed-signal CMOS ICs for communications systems and medical applications.
Microelectronics device technologies for gigahertz and gigabit-per-second communication systems: physics, modeling, technology and design. InGaAs and InAs MOSFETs as a post-CMOS semiconductor logic technology. Reliability of GaN transistors. Technology and pedagogy of online laboratories for engineering education.
Animal and cellular models for DNA damage and repair. Single cell microarray high-throughput DNA damage repair platform. Applications to disease susceptibility.
Materials and devices: lattice-mismatched materials, III-V’s, IV’s, dielectrics; deposition including MOCVD; innovation and commercialization
Compound semiconductor heterostructure devices and physics. Optoelectronics: laser diodes, photodiodes, quantum effect devices, and optoelctronic integrated circuits. Monolithic heterogeneous integration. µ-scale thermophotovoltaics.
Chemical Vapor Deposition organic surface modification layers including fluoropolymers, functional polymers, electrically conductive polymers, highly crosslinked organic networks, and responsive layers. Integration of CVD polymers into membranes and optoelectronic, sensing, and MEMS devices.
Nanofluidic / Microfluidic technologies for advanced biomolecule analysis and sample preparation: cell and molecular sorting, novel nanofluidic phenomena, nanofluidic biomolecule separation and pre-concentration, Molecular transport in nano-confined space, seawater desalination and water purification.
Fabrication and device physics of silicon-based heterostructures and nanostructures. High mobility Si and Ge-channel MOSFETs, nanowire FETs, novel transistor structures, silicon based photovoltaics, and silicon-germanium photodetectors for electronic/photonic integrated circuits.
Microfluidic systems for cell culture with applications to cancer diagnostics and drug screening, angiogenesis, studies of cell-cell interactions, cell migration, axon guidance and stem cell differentiation.
Energy harvesting, PZT MEMS, MEMS by ink jet printing, carbon nanotube assembly, nano-enabled energy devices.
Synthesis, characterization and applications of carbon-based nanomaterials (nanotubes and graphene) and inorganic nanowires.
Analysis, design and control of electromechanical systems with application to traditional electromagnetic actuators, micron-scale actuators and sensors (MEMS), and flexible structures.
Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, with a particular emphasis in data conversion circuits in scaled CMOS.
Microdevices for biomolecular and single cell analysis.
VLSI architecture. Emphasis on interrelationship among applications, systems, algorithms, and chip architectures. Major application fields include intelligent transportation systems, video, and multimedia.
Fundamental studies of nucleation, polymorphism, impurity-crystal interactions, novel separation methods, continuous crystallization and industrial applications
Design, fabrication and characterization of novel electronic devices in wide bandgap semiconductors and graphene; polarization and bandgap engineering; transistors for sub-mm wave power and digital applications; new ideas for power conversion and generation; interaction of biological systems with semiconductor materials and devices; nanowires and graphene–based transistors.
On-chip networks, parallel architectures mobile computing.
Power electronics and energy conversion, Electronic circuit design, control. Applications to industrial, commercial, scientific, transportation, and biomedical systems.
Analog CMOS circuits for neuromorphic modeling of neurons and neural networks. Analog CMOS circuits for high-speed dynamic programming computations. Analog CMOS active capacitor, current-controlled oscillator and phase-locked loop circuits.
Photonic devices for applications in communications, computing, and biological sensing with special emphasis on fiber-to-the-home, InP photonic integration, Silicon photonics and high speed interconnects, microscale bioreactors, and biomanufacturing.
Fabrication, properties and applications of magnetic and magnetooptical films, nanostructures and devices; self assembly, block copolymer lithography.
Research Scientist L. Turicchia, EECS Postdoctoral Associate R. Danial, EECS Graduate Students S. Arfin, Res. Asst., EECS W. Wattanapanitch, Res….
Electronics and integrated circuit design and technology. More specifically, technology intensive integrated circuit and systems design, with application toward medical electronic systems and wireless communication emphasizing analog and RF integrated circuits.
Circuit, interconnect, and system design with novel devices (CNTs, NEM relays, Si-photonics). Integration of novel devices into CMOS design flows and foundries. On-chip interconnects and high-speed off-chip interfaces (electrical, photonic). Modeling and analysis of noise and dynamics in circuits and systems. Application of optimization techniques to digital communications, analog and digital circuits. Digital communications and signal-processing architectures, clock generation and distribution, high-speed digital circuit design, VLSI and mixed-signal IC design.
Processing and property optimization of thin films and nanostructures for applications in electronic and electromechanical devices and systems. Interconnect and device reliability. Nanomaterials for batteries and capacitors.
Energy related materials, micro-fuel cells, solar cells, resonant and chemoresistive sensors, high K dielectrics, electro-optic and piezoelectric thin films, solid state ionics, thin film transistors, MEMS structures and devices.
Micro- and nano-enabled multiplexed scaled-down systems for space, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, and analytical applications. Electrospray, electrospinning, carbon nanotubes, silicon carbide, field emission, field-enabled ionization; electrical and chemical nanosatellite propulsion, plasma sensors, portable mass spectrometry, high-voltage 3D MEMS packaging.
Microtechnology for basic and applied cell biology; Microsystems for stem cell biology; Electrostatics at the microscale, especially dielectrophoresis.
Nano-engineered composites; nanocomposites; nanostructure synthesis and characterization, MEMS Power Devices and Energy Harvesting; Advanced Composite Materials and Systems; Structural Health Monitoring (SHM); Fracture, Fatigue and Damage Mechanics; Durability Modeling/Testing; Finite-Element Modeling; Structural Response and Testing; Buckling Mechanics
Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and devices for RF and mm-wave wireless communication, frequency sources, and sensing applications. MEMS-CMOS hybrid devices and systems. Novel MEMS transduction mechanisms to enable high efficiency, high frequency operation.