iLab - Africa
Kick-off Meeting, June 24, 2005
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
On June 24, the kick-off meeting launching the iLab - Africa project took place at Makerere University .
The list of participants is here.
The talks that were presented are here:
- Jesus del Alamo "Realizing the Potential of iLabs in sub-Sahara Africa" (PDF 2,818KB)
- L.O.Kehinde "OAU iLab:Experience and Plans" (PDF 611KB)
- Aggrey Nzali "1st Steering Committee Meeting on iLabs" (PDF 58KB)
- Judson Harward "MIT iLabs: Carnegie Initiation Meeting Makerere University" (PDF 1,117KB)
- Albert Lumu "iLab@MAK" (PDF 92KB)
- Bernd Widdig "MISTI MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives" (PDF 499KB)
Kick-off Meeting Photo Gallery.