Jongyoon Han
- S. Tannenbaum, MIT
- N.-T. Nguyen, NTU, Singapore
- C. T. Lim, NUS, Singapore
- K. Van Vliet, DMSE, MIT
- M. Dao, DMSE
- L. Griffith
- D. Lauffenburger, MIT
Graduate Students
- L. Li, Res. Asst., EECS / HST
- L. F. Cheow, Res. Asst., EECS
- A. Sarkar, Res. Asst., EECS
- S. Huang, Res. Asst., EECS
- R.-K. Kwak, Res. Asst., ME
- L. Wu, Res. Asst., BE
- H. W. Hou, Res. Asst., NUS Bioengineering (SMART)
- W. C. Lee, Res. Asst., NUS Bioengineerig (SMART)
- C. P. Lim, Res. Asst., NTU (SMART)
- T. F. Kong, Res. Asst., NTU (SMART)
- G. F. Guan, Res. Asst., NUS (SMART)
Research Staff
- Y. Song, Ph.D.
- S. Kim, Ph.D.
- H. Y. Gan, Ph. D.
- Z. Li, Ph. D. (SMART)
- C. H. Chen, Ph. D.
- Ali Bhagat, Ph. D. (SMART)
- Weng Kung Peng, Ph.D. (SMART)
Support Staff
- S. Davco, Admin. Asst.
Jeong Hoon Lee and Jongyoon Han, “Concentration-enhanced rapid detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) as a tumor marker using a nanofluidic preconcentrator,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2010, 9,973-979.
Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Hansen Bow, Han Wei Hou, Swee Jin Tan, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, “Microfluidics for Cell Separation,” Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2010, 48, 999-1014.
Han Wei Hou, Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Alvin Guo Lin Chong, Pan Mao, Kevin Shyong Wei Tan, Jongyoon Han, Chwee Teck Lim, “Deformability based cell margination – A simple microfluidic design for malaria infected erythrocyte separation,” Lab on a Chip, 2010, 10, 2605 – 2613.
Diez-Silva, M., M. Dao, J. Han, C.-T. Lim, and S. Suresh, “Shape and Biomechanical Characteristics of Human Red Blood Cells in Health and Disease,” MRS Bulletin, 2010. 35(5): p. 382-388.
Li, Z.R., Liu, G.R., Hadjiconstantinou, N.G., Han, J., Wang, J.S. & Chen, Y.Z. “Dispersive Transport of Biomolecules in Periodic Energy Landscapes with application to Nanofilter Sieving Arrays,” Electrophoresis, 32, 506-517, 2011.
Jun Young Kim, Jonathan P. DeRocher, Pan Mao, Jongyoon Han, Robert E. Cohen, and Michael F. Rubner, “Formation of Nanoparticle-Containing Multilayers in Nanochannels via Layer-by-Layer Assembly,” Chemistry of Materials, 22, 6409-6415, 2010.
Dextras, P., Payer, K.R., Burg, T.P., Shen, W., Wang, Y.-C., Han, J. & Manalis, S.R., “Fabrication and Characterization of an Integrated Microsystem for Protein Preconcentration and Sensing,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 99, 1-10, 2010.
Bow, H., Pivkin, I., Diez-Silva, M., Goldfless, S.J., Dao, M., Niles, J.C., Suresh, S. & Han, J. A ., “Microfabricated deformability-based flow cytometer with application to malaria,” Lab on a Chip, 11, 1065-1073 (2011).
Lee, W.C., Bhagat, A.A.S., Sha, H., Vliet, K.J.V., Han, J. & Lim, C.T., “High-throughput cell cycle synchronization using inertial forces in spiral microchannels,” Lab Chip, 2011, 11: p. 1359-1367.
Ko, S.H., S.J. Kim, L.F. Cheow, L.D. Li, K.H. Kang, and J. Han, Massively-Parallel Concentration Device for Multiplexed Immunoassays Lab Chip, 2011. 11: p. 1351-1358.
Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat, Han Wei Hou, Leon D. Li, Chwee Teck Lim, and Jongyoon Han, “Pinched flow coupled shear modulated inertial microfluidics for high throughput rare blood cell separation,” Lab on a Chip, accepted for publication, 2011.
Song, Y.-A., A. Rabie, R. Sarpeshkar, S. Lin, and J. Han, “Hybrid Electrical and Chemical Stimulation of Nerve via In-Situ Harvesting of Neurotransmitters,” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2010. 125(6): p. Supp. 137.
Bhagat, A.A.S., H.W. Hou, S. Huang, C.T. Lim, and J. Han, “High-throughput circulating tumor cells (CTCS) isolation using inertial forces,” in MicroTAS 2010. 2010: Groningen, The Netherlands. p. 1391-1393.
Hou, H.W., A.A.S. Bhagat, P. Mao, J. Han, and C.T. Lim, “Deformability based cell margination for malarial infected red blood cell enrichment,” in MicroTAS 2010. 2010: Groningen, The Netherlands. p. 1370-1372.
Sha Huang, Hansen Bow, Monica Diez-Silva, Jongyoon Han, “Applying a microfluidic ‘deformability cytometry’ to measure stiffness of malaria-infected red blood cells at body and febrile temperatures,” in MicroTAS 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands, p. 259-261
Kwak, R., S.J. Kim, and J. Han, “Continuous-flow biomolecule concentrator by ion concentration polarization,” in MicroTAS 2010. 2010: Groningen, The Netherlands. p. 887-889.
Lee, W.C., A.A.S. Bhagat, S. Huang, K.J.V. Vliet, J. Han, and C.T. Lim, “Cell cycle synchronization of stem cells using inertial microfluidics,” in 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2010). 2010: Groningen, The Netherlands. p. 208-210.