Scott Manalis
- A. Amon, MIT
- M. Kirschner, Harvard
- T. Jacks, MIT
- K. Ligon, DFCI
- P. Mallick, USC
- D. Sabatini, MIT
- M. Toner, MGH
Postdoctoral Associates
- S. Olcum, BE
- S. Knudsen, BE
- S. Byun, BE
- S. Son, KI
Graduate students
- A. Burkart, BE
- N. Cermak, CSB
- N. Chou, BE
- F. Delgado, BE
- A. Gulati, BE
- V. Hecht, BE
- J.H. Jang, Physics
- R. Kimmerling, BE
- J. Shaw, BE
- M. Stevens, Biology
Support Staff
- Mariann Murray
S. Byun, S. Son, D. Amodei, N. Cermak, J. Shaw, J.H. Kang, V.C. Hecht, M.W. Winslow, T. Jacks, P. Mallick and S.R Manalis. “Characterizing deformability and surface friction of cancer cells.” PNAS (2013); published online.
S. Son, A. Tzur, Y. Weng, P. Jorgensen, J. Kim, M.W. Kirschner, S.R. Manalis. “Direct observation of mammalian cell growth and size regulation.” Nature Methods (2012); 9 910-912.
S.M. Knudsen, M.G. von Muhlen, S.R. Manalis. “Quantifying Particle Coatings Using High-Precision Mass Measurements.” Analytical Chemistry (2012); 84 1240-1242.
A.K. Bryan, A. Engler, A. Gulati, S.R. Manalis. “Continuous and Long-Term Volume Measurements with a Commercial Coulter Counter.” PloS ONE (2012); 7 e29866.
W.H. Grover, A.K Bryan, M. Diez-Silva, S. Suresh, J.M. Higgins, S.R. Manalis. “Measuring single-cell density.” PNAS (2011); 108 10992-6.
J. Lee, R. Chunara, W. Shen, K. Payer, K. Babcock, T. Burg, S.R. Manalis. “Suspended microchannel resonators with piezoresistive sensors.” Lab on a Chip 2011; 11 645-651.
J. Lee, W. Shen, K. Payer, T. Burg, S.R. Manalis. “Toward attogram mass measurements in solution with suspended nanochannel resonators.” Nano Letters 2010; 10 2537-2542.
M. Godin, F.F. Delgado, S. Son, W.H. Grover, A.K. Bryan, A. Tzur, P. Jorgensen, K. Payer, A.D. Grossman, M.W. Kirschner and S.R. Manalis. “Using buoyant mass to measure the growth of single cells.” Nature Methods 2010; 7 387-391.
J.E. Sader, T.P. Burg, S.R. Manalis. “Energy dissipation in microfluidic beam resonators.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2010; 650 215-250.
M.G. von Muhlen, N.D. Brault, S.M. Knudsen, S. Jiang, S.R. Manalis. “Label-Free Biomarker Sensing in Undiluted Serum with Suspended Microchannel Resonators,” Analytical Chemistry. 2010; 82 1905-1910.
A. K. Bryan, A. Goranov, A. Amon, S. R. Manalis. “Measurement of mass, density, and volume of yeast through the cell cycle.” PNAS 2010; 107 (3) 999-1004.
P. Dextras, T.P. Burg, S.R. Manalis. “Integrated Measurement of the Mass and Surface Charge of Discrete Microparticles Using a Suspended Microchannel Resonator.” Analytical Chemistry. 2009; 81(11), 4517-4523.
T.P. Burg, J.E. Sader, S.R. Manalis. “Non-Monotonic Energy Dissipation in Microfluidic Resonators.” Physical Review Letters. 2009; 102 (22), 228103.
S.M. Knudsen, M.G. von Muhlen, D.B. Schauer, S.R. Manalis. “Determination of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Based on Osmotic Shock Response.” Analytical Chemistry. 2009; 81(16), 7087-7090.
S. Son, W.H. Grover, T.P. Burg, S.R. Manalis. “Suspended microchannel resonators for ultra-low volume universal detection.” Analytical Chemistry. 2008; 80 4757-4760.
W.H. Grover, M. von Muhlen, S.R. Manalis. “Teflon films for chemically-inert microfluidic valves and pumps.” Lab on a Chip. 2008; 8 913-918.
T.M. Squires, R.J. Messinger, S.R. Manalis. “Making it stick: convection, reaction, and diffusion in surface based biosensors.” Nature Biotechnology. 2008; 26 417-426.
R. Chunara, M. Godin, S. M. Knudsen, S.R. Manalis. “Mass-based readout for agglutination assays.” Applied Physics Letters. 2007; 91 193902.
T.P. Burg M.Godin, W. Shen, G. Carlson, J.S. Foster, K. Babcock, and S.R. Manalis. “Weighing of Biomolecules, Single Cells, and Single Nanoparticles in Fluid.” Nature 2007; 446 1066-1069