Brian L. Wardle
- D. Bello, UMass-Lowell
- S. Buschhorn, Postdoc MIT AA
- M. Canonica, MIT AA
- H. Cebeci, ITU
- R.E. Cohen, MIT ChemE
- H.-M. Duong, NUS
- F. Fachin, MIT/Harvard/MGH HST
- A. Ferreira da Silva, UMinho
- E. J. Garcia, Gamesa
- K.E. Goodson, Stanford Univ.
- K. Gleason, MIT ChemE
- R. Guzman deVilloria, IMDEA
- A. J. Hart, Univ. of Michigan
- H. Thomas Hahn, UCLA
- S. Hofmann, Univ. of Cambridge
- S. Hong, Argonne Nat. Lab.
- S.S. Kessler, Metis Design Corp.
- S.-G. Kim, MIT ME
- S.-H. Kim, Brown Univ.
- N. Lachmann, Postdoc MIT AA
- S. Lomov, KULeuven
- S. Maruyama, Univ. of Tokyo
- G. McKinley, MIT ME
- A. Miravete, Univ. Zaragoza
- G. Nogueira, Postdoc MIT DMSE
- D. Papavassiliou, Univ. Oklahoma
- D. Plata, Duke
- M.F. Rubner, MIT DMSE
- L. Rocha, Univ. of Minho
- M. A. Schmidt, MIT EECS
- J.C. Seferis, Univ. Washington
- K. Schulte, TUHH
- J. Shiomi, Univ. of Tokyo
- A. H. Slocum, MIT ME
- S. Socrate, MIT ME
- S. A. Steiner III, MIT DMSE
- K. Takahashi, UCLA
- C. Thompson, MIT DMSE
- M. Toner, MIT/Harvard/MGH HST
- D. Wagner, Weizmann Inst. of Sci.
- N. Yamamoto, MIT AA Postdoc
- Q. Zhang, Penn State Univ.
Graduate Students
- D. Handlin, Res. Assistant, AA
- A. Kudo, Res. Assistant, DMSE
- J. Lee, Res. Assistant, ME
- D. Lewis, Res. Assistant, AA
- R Li, Res. Assistant, AA
- I. Stein, Res. Assistant, ME
- S. Wicks, Research Assistant, AA
- A. Yost, Research Assistant, ME
Undergraduate Students
- M. Devoe, DMSE
- P. Florin, AA
- J. Gavin, Visiting DMSE
- H. Jethani, AA
- I. Polim, ChemE
- H. Vincent, DMSE
- W. Wang, DMSE
Support Staff
- J. Kane, Research Specialist
- P.M. Lee, Financial Officer
- S. Chapman, Admin. Assist. II
Stein, I.Y., and B.L. Wardle, “Coordination Number Model to Quantify Packing Morphology of Aligned Nanowire Arrays,” accepted to Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013.
Steiner III, S.A., Li, R., and B.L. Wardle, “Circumventing the Mechanochemical Origins of Strength Loss in the Synthesis of Hierarchical Carbon Fibers”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2013.
Fachin, F., Nikles, S.A., and B.L. Wardle, “Mechanics of Out-of-Plane MEMS via Postbuckling: Model-Experiment Demonstration Using CMOS,” JMEMS, Vol. PP, Issue 99, 2012.
Fachin, F., Chen, G.D., M. Toner, and B.L. Wardle, “Integration of Bulk Nanoporous Elements in Microfluidic Devices with Application to Biomedical Diagnostics,” J. of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS), Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1428 – 1438, 2011.
Fachin, F., Nikles, S.A., Dugundji, J., and B.L. Wardle, “Analytical Extraction of Residual Stresses and Gradients in MEMS Structures with Application to CMOS Layered Materials,” J. of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21 (2011) 095017 (12pp).
Kim, M., Hong, S., Miller, D.J., Dugundji, J., and B.L. Wardle, “Size Effect of Flexible Proof Mass on the Mechanical Behavior of Micron-scale Cantilevers for Energy Harvesting Applications,” Applied Physics Letters, 99, 243506 (2011).
A.M. Marconnet, N. Yamamoto, M. Panzer, B.L. Wardle, and K.E. Goodson, “Thermal Conduction in Aligned Carbon Nanotube–Polymer Nanocomposites with High Packing Density,” NanoLetters, Vol. 5, No. 6, 2011, pp. 4818–4825.
Duong, H.M., Yamamoto, N., Papavassiliou, D.V., Maruyama, S., and B.L. Wardle, “Morphology Effects on Non-isotropic Thermal Conduction of Aligned Single- and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Nanocomposites,” J. Phys. Chem. C, (2011), 115 (10), 3872
Guzmán de Villoria, R., Hart, A.J., and B.L. Wardle, “Continuous High-Yield Production of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on 2D and 3D Substrates,” ACSNano, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 4850–4857, 2011.
G.D. Chen,F. Fachin, M. Fernandez-Suarez, B. L. Wardle, M. Toner, “Nanoporous Elements in Microfluidics for Multiscale Manipulation of Bioparticles”, Small, Vol.7 (8), (2011), pp. 1061–1067.
R. Guzman de Villoria, N. Yamamoto, A. Miravete, and B.L. Wardle, “Multi-Physics Damage Sensing in Nano-Engineered Structural Composites,” Nanotechnology, vol. 22, 2011, p. 185502 (7pp).
Yamamoto, N., Quinn, D.J., Wicks, N., Hertz, J.L., Cui, J., Tuller, H.L., and B.L. Wardle. “ Non-linear Design for Microfabricated Large-area Self-supported Thin Plates in the Post-buckling Regime,” J. of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20 (2010) 035027 (9pp).
Kim, M., Hoegen, M., Dugundji, J., and B.L. Wardle, “Modeling and Experimental Verification of Proof Mass Effects on Vibration Energy Harvester Performance”, Smart Materials and Structures, 19 (2010) 045023 (21pp).
Wicks, S.S., Guzmán de Villoria, R., and B.L. Wardle, “Interlaminar and Intralaminar Reinforcement of Composite Laminates with Aligned Carbon Nanotubes,” Composites Science and Technology, 70 (2010), pp. 20–28.
S. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Cebeci, R. Guzmán de Villoria, J.-H. Lin, B.L. Wardle, and Q.M. Zhang, “High Electromechanical Response of Ionic Polymer Actuators with Controlled-Morphology Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Nafion Nanocomposite Electrodes,” Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 20, 2010, pp. 3266-3271.
M. Panzer, H.M. Duong, J. Okawa, J. Shiomi, B.L. Wardle, S. Maruyama and K.E. Goodson, Temperature-Dependent Phonon Conduction in Metalized Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Arrays, Nano Letters (2010), 10 (7), 2395.
Steiner III, S.A., Baumann, T.F., Bayer, B.C., Blume, R., Worsley, M.A., Moberlychan, W.J., Shaw, E.L., Hart, A.J., Hofmann, S., and B.L. Wardle, “Nanoscale Zirconia as a Nonmetallic Catalyst for Graphitization of Carbon and Growth of Single- and Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes,” J. American Chemical Society (JACS), Vol. 191 (94), 2009, pp. 12144–12154.
Cebeci, H., Guzmán de Villoria, R., Hart, A.J., and B.L. Wardle, “Multifunctional Properties of High Volume Fraction Aligned Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites with Controlled Morphology,” Composites Science and Technology, 69 (2009), pp. 2649-2656.
Vaddiraju, S., Cebeci, H., Gleason, K.K., and B.L. Wardle, “Hierarchical Multifunc-tional Composites By Conformally Coating Aligned CNT Arrays With Conducting Polymer,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 1, No. 11, 2009, pp. 2565-2572.
Duong, H.M., Yamamoto, N., Papavassiliou, D.V., Maruyama, S., and B.L. Wardle “Inter Carbon Nanotube Contact in Thermal Transport of Controlled-Morphology Polymer Nanocomposites”, Nanotechnology, Vol. 20, 2009.
Yamamoto, N., Hart, A.J., Garcia, E.J., Wicks, S., Duong, H.M., Slocum, A.H., and B.L. Wardle, “High-yield Growth and Morphology Control of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on Ceramic Fibers for Multifunctional Enhancement of Structural Composites”, Carbon, Vol. 47 (3), March 2009, pp. 551-560.
Yamamoto, N., Guzmán deVilloria, R., and B.L. Wardle, “Electrical and Thermal Property Enhancement of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminate Composites through Controlled Implementation of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,” Composites Science and Technology, 72 (2012) pp. 2009–2015.
Wardle, B.L., and S.M. Spearing, “Chapter 9, Structural Considerations”, ed. by A. Mitsos and P.I. Barton, Microfabricated Power Generation Devices: Design and Technology, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-527-32081-3