Allan S. Myerson
Graduate Students
- Y. Cui, Res. Asst., ChemE
- T. Lai, Res. Asst., ChemE
- J. Li, Res. Asst., ChemE
- L. Tan, Res. Asst., ChemE
- X. Yang, Res. Asst., ChemE
Postdoctoral Associates
- T. Stelzer, ChemE
- S. Ferguson, ChemE
- M. O’Mahony, ChemE
- V. Puri, ChemE
- J. Quon, ChemE
- E. Revalor, ChemE
- C. Weber, ChemE
- Y. Youn, ChemE
Support Staff
- G. Collver-Jacobson
- P. Romanow
Zhou, L., Su, M., Benyahia, B., Singh, A., Barton, P.I., Trout, B.L., Myerson, A.S.,and Braatz, R.L. (2013). “Modeling Mass and Heat Transfer for Layer Crystallization in a Concentric Annulus with Recirculation.” AICHE J (published on web)
Quon, J.L., Chadwick, K., Wood, G.P.F., Sheu, I., Brettmann, B.K ., Myerson, A.S., Trout, B.L. (2013). “Templated Nucleation of Acetaminophen on Spherical Excipient Agglomerates.” Langmuir (published on web).
Brettmann, B.K., Cheng, K., Myerson, A.S., Trout, B.L., (2013). “Design and characterization of electrospun formulations containing crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredients.” Pharmaceutical Research 1, 238-246.
Hsi, K., Kenny, M., Simi, A., Myerson, A.S., (2013). “Purification of Structurally Similar Compounds by the Formation of Impurity Co – former Complexes in Solution.” Crystal Growth and Design (published on web)
Wong, S.Y., Chen, J., Forte, L and Myerson, A.S., (2013). “Compact Crystallization, Filtration and Drying for the Production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.” Organic Process Research and Development (published on web).
Wong, S.Y., Cui, Y., and Myerson, A.S., (2013). “Contact Secondary Nucleation as a Means of Creating Seeds for Continuous Tubular Crystallizers.” Crystal Growth and Design (in Press).
Chadwick, K, Chen, J, Myerson, A.S., and Trout, B.L. (2012). “Design of Crystalline Surfaces for Heteroepitaxy: The Role of Molecular Functionality.” Crystal Growth and Design 12, 1159-1166.
Diao, Y., Whaley, K.E., Helgeson, M.E., Woldeyes, M.A., Doyle, P.S., Myerson, A.S., Hatton, T.A., and Trout, B.L. (2012). “Gel Induced Selective Crystallization of Polymorphs.” JACS 134, 673-684.
Brettman, B., Bell, E., Myerson, A.S., and Trout, B.L. (2012). “Solid state NMR characterization of high-loading solid solutions of API and excipients formed by electrospinning.” J. Pharm. Sci. 101, 1538-1545.
Zhang, H., Quon, J., Alvarez, A., ; Evans, J.M., Myerson, A.S., and Trout, B.L. (2012). “Development of Continuous Anti-solvent-cooling Crystallization Process Using Cascaded MSMPR Crystallizer.” Organic Research Process and Development 16, 915-924.
Hsi, H.Y., Chadwick, K., Fried, A, Kenny, M., and Myerson, A.S. (2012). “Separation of Impurities from Solution by Selective Co-Crystal Formation.” Cryst. Eng. Comm. 14, 2386-2388.
Brettmann, B.K., Tsang, S., Forward, K.M., Rutledge, G.C., Myerson, A.S., and Trout, B.L. (2012). “Free Surface Electrospinning of Nanoparticles.” Langmuir 28, 9714-9721.
Brettmann, B.K., Myerson, A.S., and Trout, B.L. (2012). “Solid State NMR study of the physical stability of electrospun drug and polymer solid solutions.” J. Pharm. Sci. 101, 2185-2193.
Quon, J.L., Zhang,H., Alvarez, A., Evans, J.M., Myerson, A.S., Trout, B.L., (2012). “Continuous Crystallization of Aliskiren Hemifumarate.” Crystal Growth and Design 12, 3036-3044.
Zaworotko, M.J., Aitipamula, S., Banerjee, R., Bansal, A.K., Biradha, K., Cheney, M. Roychoudhury, A., Desiraju, D., Dikundwar, A., Dubey, R., Duggirala, N., Ghogale, P., Ghosh, S., Goswami, P.K. Goud, R., Jetti, R., Karpinski, P., Kaushik, P., Shukla, D.S., Kumar, V., Moulton, B., Mukherjee, A., Mukherjee, G., Myerson, A.S, Rajamannar, T., Ramanan, A., Reddy, C.M., Rodríguez-Hornedo, N., Rogers, R.D., Narasingarao, T., Row, T., Sanphui, P., Shan, N., Shete, G., Singh, A., Sun, C.C., Swift, J.A., Thaimattam, R., Singh, Thakur, T.S., Thaper, R.K., Thomas, S.P., Tothadi, S., Vangala, V.R., Variankaval, N., Peddy, V., Weyna, D. (2012). “Polymorphs Salts and Cocrystals: What’s in a Name?” Crystal Growth and Design 12, 2147-2152.
Chen, J., and Myerson, A.S. (2012). “Pasteur Revisited: Chiral Separation by Crystallization on Self-Assembled Monolayers.” Cryst Eng Communications 14, 8326-8329.
Yang, X., Sarma, B., and Myerson, A.S., (2012). “Polymorph Control of Micro/Nano Sized Mefenamic Acid Crytals on Patterned Self Assembled Monolayers.” Crystal Growth and Design 12, 5521-5528