MARC2024 general registration is closed.
MARC will be held Tuesday, January 23, 2024 and Wednesday, January 24, 2024
at the Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, NH.
MTL @ 40 - Manufacturing Technology Leadership for the next 40 years.
2024 marks an exciting milestone for the MTL Community: 40 years of MTL!
The MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratories officially opened its doors in 1984.
At MARC2024, we are looking forward to looking back at the last 40 years and celebrating the next 40, as well as the groundbreaking research currently happening in MTL and MIT.nano with students, postdocs, faculty, staff, and industry partners.

Again this year, MARC will be held in conjunction with QuARC 2024, which will take place January 22-23, 2024. MIT students and faculty–as well as industry affiliates–are welcome and encouraged to attend both events and experience the diversity of research that MIT has to offer.
Students who are attending both MARC and QuARC are expected to submit a poster at MARC and are highly encouraged to submit a poster to QuARC. They may use the same poster for both events. Students attending both MARC and QuARC must be registered for both events.
Please contact if you have any questions.