Harry L. Tuller
- W. Higgins, RMD, MA
- I. D. Kim, KAIST, Korea
- M. Martin & R. DeSouza, Aachen University, Germany
- D. Nocera, MIT
- R. Moos, Univ. Bayreuth Germany
- B. Yildiz, MIT
- K. Van Vliet, MIT
- J. Varela, UNESP, Brazil
Graduate Students
- G. Whitfield, Res. Asst., MSE
- D. Chen, Res. Asst., MSE
- J. Engel, Res. Asst., MSE
- J. J. Kim, Res. Asst., MSE
- N. Thompson, Res. Asst., MSE
- A. Geupel, visiting student, MSE
- A. Felix, visiting student, MSE
- A. Mani, visiting student, MSE
Postdoctoral Associates
- S. Bishop, MSE
- D.J. Yang, MSE
- P.S. Cho, MSE
- Y. Kuru, MSE, NSE
- M. Kuhn, MSE
Visiting Scientist
- J. Rupp, MSE, NSE
- M. Orlandi, MSE
Support Staff
- A. Rothwell, Administrative Assistant II
S. R. Bishop, W. Higgins, G. Ciampi, A. Churilov, K. S. Shah and H. L. Tuller, The Defect and Transport Properties of Donor Doped Single Crystal TlBr, J. Electrochem. Soc., 158, J47-J51 (2011)
Y. Chen, W.C. Jung, Y. Kuru, H. Tuller, and B. Yildiz, Chemical, Electronic and Nanostructure Dynamics on Sr(Ti1-xFex)O3 Thin-Film Surfaces at High Temperatures, ECS Transactions, 35 (1) 2409-2416 (2011), Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 12 (SOFC-XII). Eds. S. Singhal, K. Eguchi.
M. Schulz, J. Sauerwald, H. Seh, H. Fritze, H. L. Tuller, Defect Chemistry Based Design of Monolithic Langasite Structures for High Temperature Sensors, Solid State Ionics 184, 78–82 (2011)
S. R. Bishop, T. S. Stefanik and H. L. Tuller, Electrical Conductivity and Defect Equilibria of Pr0.1Ce0.9O2-δ, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 10165-10173 (2011).
Y. Kuru , S. R. Bishop, J. J. Kim, B. Yildiz, and H. L. Tuller, Chemomechanical Properties and Microstructural Stability of Nanocrystalline Pr-doped Ceria: an in situ X-ray Diffraction Investigation, Solid State Ionics, 193, 1-4 (2011).
H. L. Tuller and S. R. Bishop, Point Defects in Oxides: Tailoring Materials Through Defect Engineering, Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 41, 13.1–13.30 (2011). Invited Review.
M. Burbano, D. Marrocchelli, B. Yildiz, H. L. Tuller, S. T. Norberg, S.Hull, P. A. Madden, and G. W. Watson, A Dipole Polarizable Potential for Reduced and Doped CeO2 from First-Principles. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 23 (25), 255402 (9 pg) (2011).
S. Bishop; H. L Tuller; Y. Kuru; B.Yildiz, Chemical Expansion of Nonstoichiometric Pr0.1Ce0.9O2-δ: Correlation with Defect Equilibrium Model, J. Euro. Ceram. Soc. 31, 2351-2356 (2011).
Il-Doo Kim, Tae-Seon Hyun, H. Tuller, Duck-Kyun Choi, and Doo-Young Youn, Facile Synthesis of Highly Conductive RuO2-Mn3O4 Composite Nanofibers via Electrospinning and Their Electrochemical Properties, J. Electrochem. Soc., 158 (8), A970-A975 (2011).
N. G. Cho, D. J. Yang, M.-J. Jin, H.-G. Kim, H. L. Tuller, and I.-D. Kim, Highly Sensitive SnO2 Hollow Nanofiber-based NO2 Gas Sensors, Sensors and Actuators B, 160, 1468-1472 (2011).
Y. Kuru, H. Jalili, Z. Cai, B. Yildiz, and H. L. Tuller, Direct Probing of Nano-dimensioned Oxide Multilayers with Aid of Focused Ion Beam Milling, Advanced Materials. 23, 4543-4548 (2011).
S. R. Bishop, J-J. Kim, N. Thompson, and H. L. Tuller, Defect Chemistry and Electrical Properties of a Pr-CeO2 Solid Solution: From Nano- to Micro-scale, Symposium K, Frontiers of Solid State Ionics, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1331, mrss11-1331-k02-02 (6 pages) (2011).
M. Søgaard, A. Bieberle- Hütter, P. Vang Hendriksen, M. Mogensen, H. L. Tuller, Oxygen Incorporation in Porous Thin Film of Strontium Doped Lanthanum Ferrite, J. Electroceramics, 27, 134-142 (2011).
H. L. Tuller, J. Engel, S. J. Litzelman, and S. R. Bishop, Nano-Structured Materials for Next Generation Fuel Cells and Photoelectrochemical Devices, Symposium on Renewable Fuels and Nanotechnology, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1326, mrss11-1326-f08-01 (12 pages) (2011),
W. Jung and H. L. Tuller, A New Model Describing Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode Kinetics: Model Thin Film SrTi1-xFexO3-δ Mixed Conducting Oxides – a Case Study, Advanced Energy Materials, 1, 1184-1191 (2011).