Carl V. Thompson
- D.A. Antoniadis, Profesor, EECS, MIT
- W.K. Choi, Professor, National University of Singapore
- S.J. Chua, Professor, National University of Singapore
- E.A. Fitzgerald, Professor, DMSE, MIT
- C.L. Gan, Professor, Nanyang Technical University
- Y. Li, Professor, National University of Singapore
- C.A. Ross, Professor, DMSE, MIT
- Y. Shao-Horn, Professor DMSE, Mech E, MIT
- B.L. Wardle, Professor, Aero Astro, MIT
- D. Kim, Postdoctoral Research Associate, DMSE, MIT
- L. Li, Postdoctoral Research Associate, DMSE, MIT
- P. Makaram, Postdoctoral Research Associate, DMSE, MIT
- G. Nessim, Postdoctoral Research Associate, DMSE, MIT
Graduate Students
- A. Alobeidi, Res. Asst., DMSE
- S. Boles, Res. Asst., DMSE
- L. Caillard, Visiting Student, MES
- S.-W. Chang, Res. Asst., DMSE
- Y.K. Khoo, SMA Fellow, NUS
- R. Mitchell, Res. Asst., DMSE
- J. Oh, Res. Asst., DMSE
- G. Qiang, SMA Fellow, NUS
- W. Sasangka, SMA Fellow, NUS
- Y.C Shin, Res. Asst., DMSE
- J. Ye, Res. Asst., DMSE
- H. Yu, Res. Asst., DMSE.
- J. Yun, SMA Fellow, NUS
- L. Zhang, Visiting Student, DMSE
Support Staff
- K. Fitzgerald, Admin. Asst. II
Yong-Jun Oh, C. A. Ross, Yeon Sik Jung, Yang Wang, C. V. Thompson, “Co nanoparticles arrays made by templated solid-state dewetting,” Small 5, 1860 (2009)
H. L. Leong, C. L. Gan, R. I. Made, C. V. Thompson, K. L. Pey, and H. Y. Li, “Experimental characterization and modeling of the contact resistance of Cu–Cu bonded interconnects,” J. Appl. Phys. 105, 033514 (2009).
H. L. Leong, C. L. Gan, C. V. Thompson, K. L. Pey, and H. Y. Li, “Electromigration-induced bond improvement for three-dimensional integrated circuits,” Appl. Phys. Letts. 94 (2009).
S.-W. Chang, V.P. Chuang, S.T. Boles, C.A. Ross, and C.V. Thompson, “Densely-packed arrays of ultrahigh-aspect-ratio silicon nanowire fabricated using block copolymer lithography and metal-assisted etching,” Advanced Functional Materials 19, 2495 (2009).
S.T. Boles, C.V. Thompson, and E.A. Fitzgerald, “Influence of indium and phosphine on Au-catalyzed InP nanowire growth on Si substrates,” J. Cryst. Growth 311, 1446 (2009).
G.D. Nessim, M. Seita, K.P. O’Brien, A.J. Hart, Pierre Delcoix, and C.V. Thompson, “Low Temperature Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes with Ohmic Contact to Metallic Substrates Enabled by Thermal Decomposition of the Carbon Feedstock,” Nano Letters 9(10), p 3398 (2009).
J. Leib, R. Monig, C.V. Thompson, “Direct Evidence for Effects of Grain Structure on Reversible Compressive Deposition Stresses in Polycrystalline Gold Films,” Phys. Rev. Letters 102, 25601 (2009).
O.M. Nayfeh, D.A. Antoniadis, S. Boles, C. Ho, and C.V. Thompson, “Formation of Single Tiers of Bridging Silicon Nanowires for Transistor Applications Using Vapor– Liquid–Solid Growth from Short Silicon-on-Insulator Sidewalls,” Small 5, 2440 (2009).
S. T. Boles, E. A. Fitzgerald, C. V. Thompson, C. K. F. Ho, and K. L. Pey, “Catalyst Proximity Effects on the Growth of Silicon Nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics 106, 044311, (2009).
M. Wang, S.J. Chua, H. Gao, J.S. Leib, and C.V. Thompson, “A Study on Morphology Control of ZnO Electrodeposited on Au Surface, “Journal of the Electrochemical Society” 156, D517-D520 (2009).
D. Kim, A.L. Giermann, and C.V. Thompson, “Solid-state Dewetting of Patterned Films,” Appl. Phys. Letts. 95, 251903 (2009).
G.D. Nessim, Donatello Acquaviva, Matteo Seita, Kevin P. O’Brien, and Carl V. Thompson, “The Critical Role of the Underlayer Material and Thickness in Grown Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers on Metallic Substrates by Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Adv. Funct. Mat. 20, 1306 (2010).
J. Yun, R. Wang, W.K. Choi, J.T.L. Thong, and C.V. Thompson, Mei Zhu, Y.L. Foo, M.H. Hong, “Field emission from a large area of vertically-aligned carbon nanofibers with nanoscale tips and controlled spatial geometry,” Carbon 48, 1362 (2010).
Q. Guo, J.H. Noh, P.K. Liaw, P.D. Rack, Y. Li, and C.V. Thompson, “Density change upon crystallization in amorphous Zr-Cu-Al thin films,” Acta Materialia 58, 3633 (2010).
S.W. Chang, J. Oh, S.T. Boles, C.V. Thompson, ‘Fabrication of Silicon Nanopillar-based Nanocapacitor Arrays,” Appl. Phys. Letts. 96, 153108 (2010).