Publications, 1980 – 1989
Publications from these ten years are listed in chronological order, in all areas
of interest. This list includes books, published papers, unpublished papers,
unpublished memoranda and other items, invited talks, and other presentations.
Recent publications
Earlier publications:
through 1959
1960 – 1969
1970 – 1979
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Integrated Circuit Series,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Integrated Circuit Memo No. 80-1; January 4, 1980 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Using APL on the Speech System 20,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Integrated Circuit Memo No. 80-2; January 4, 1980 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Proposal for a Complex APL,"
APL-CAM Newsletter, Jaargang 2, Nummer 1, pp. 16-26; January 16, 1980.
- Jonathan Allen, Lance A. Glasser,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Ronald L. Rivest, Gerald J. Sussman, Howard Shrobe, and John T. Holloway,
"Conversion of Algorithms to Custom Integrated Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 122, p. 169; January, 1980.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Reflections on AIDS-79,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Integrated Circuit Memo No. 80-9; March, 1980 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Student Guide to Integrated-Circuit Research at M.I.T.,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Integrated Circuit Memo No. 80-10; March, 1980 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"AIDS-79 User's Manual,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Integrated Circuit Memo No. 80-14; March, 1980 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Artwork Analysis," Interoffice Memorandum,
Digital Equipment Corporation; May 6, 1980 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield,
"Why is VLSI Different?,"
Digital Equipment Corporation, Technical Seminar, Marlboro, Massachusetts;
May 14, 1980.
- Paul Penfield,
"Efficient APL Fast Fourier Transform,"
M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, Technical Memorandum No. 63L-0019; May 16, 1980
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1980 M.I.T. VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May 19, 1980.
- Lance A. Glasser and
P. Penfield, Jr.,
"PLA Generation as a Case Study in Structured VLSI Design,"
Spring 1980 M.I.T. VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May 19, 1980.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Where is VLSI Taking Us?,"
Invited Talk, General Technical Conference, Analog Devices, Inc.,
Boxborough, Massachusetts; June 19, 1980.
- Lance A. Glasser and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"An Interactive PLA Generator as an Archetype for a New VLSI Design Methodology,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 80-25; July, 1980 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Advanced Research in VLSI," Summary of Progress,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; May 12, 1980 - August 11, 1980.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Student Guide to VLSI Research at M.I.T.,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 80-10; Revised August, 1980 (unpublished).
- Lance A. Glasser and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"An Interactive PLA Generator as an Archetype for a New VLSI Design Methodology,"
Proceedings of the 1980 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Computers,
Port Chester, New York, pp. 608-611; October 1-3, 1980.
- Jonathan Allen and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"VLSI Design Automation Activities at M.I.T.,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 80-33; October, 1980 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Addendum to AIDS-79 User's Manual,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 80-34; October, 1980 (unpublished).
- Gerald L. Wilson, Richard B. Adler,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Raymond S. Stata, and V. Leo Rideout, "Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science Fabrication Facility," Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Corporation Development Committee Annual Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
November 6, 1980.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Progress Report," DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; August 12, 1980 - November 11, 1980.
- Paul Penfield,
"Why is VLSI Different?,"
Invited talk, GTE Engineering Council, Second Plenary Meeting,
Scottsdale, Arizona; November 9-12, 1980.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"The M.I.T. VLSI Program," Invited talk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Sponsored Research Visiting Committee, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
December 3-4, 1980.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1980 M.I.T. VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; December 15, 1980.
- Paul Penfield, Jr. and
Jorge Rubinstein,
"Signal Delay in RC Tree Networks,"
Proceedings of Second Caltech Conference on Very Large Scale Integration,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, pp. 269-283;
January 19-21, 1981.
- Jonathan Allen, Lance A. Glasser,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Ronald L. Rivest, Gerald J. Sussman, Howard Shrobe, and John T. Holloway,
"Conversion of Algorithms to Custom Integrated Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 123, pp. 177-178; January, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr. and
Jorge Rubinstein,
"Signal Delay in RC Tree Networks,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 81-40; January, 1981 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Progress Report," DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; November 12, 1980 - February 11, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"A Framework for Understanding IC Design Automation,"
Invited talk, International Business Machines Corporation, Thomas J. Watson
Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York; February 17, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Directions of the MIT VLSI Program and Laboratory,"
Invited talk, Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts; March 5, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr. and
Jorge Rubinstein, "Signal Delay in MOS Interconnect,"
Invited Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; March 23, 1981.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Future Trends in VLSI Design,"
Invited talk, GTE Laboratories CPTC Spring Project Review, Southbury,
Connecticut; April 6-7, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"The M.I.T. VLSI Program and What it Means to DEC,"
Invited talk, Digital Equipment Corporation, Hudson Semiconductor Engineering
Technical Seminar - University Series, Hudson, Massachusetts; April 23, 1981.
- Jonathan Allen and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"VLSI Design Automation Activities at M.I.T.,"
1981 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
Chicago, Illinois; April 27-29, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr. and
Jorge Rubinstein,
"Signal Delay in MOS Interconnections,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 81-48; April, 1981 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield,
"Welcome," Workshop on the Interaction of Laser Radiation with Surfaces
for Application to Microelectronics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts; May 4, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Progress Report," DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; February 12, 1981 - May 11, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1981 M.I.T. VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May 18, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Student Guide to Microsystems Research at M.I.T.,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Integrated Circuit Memo No. 80-10; Revised June, 1981 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr. and
Jorge Rubinstein,
"Signal Delay in RC Tree Networks,"
ACM IEEE Eighteenth Design Automation Conference Proceedings, Nashville,
Tennessee, pp. 613-617; June 29 - July 1, 1981.
- Jonathan Allen and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"VLSI Design Automation Activities at M.I.T.,"
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-28, no. 7,
pp. 645-653; July, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Principal Values and Branch Cuts in Complex APL,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 81-55; July, 1981 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"AIDS, APL Integrated-Circuit Design System,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 81-57; July, 1981 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Progress Report," DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; May 12, 1981 - August 11, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"AIDS, APL Integrated-Circuit Design System,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 240-247; September, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Principal Values and Branch Cuts in Complex APL,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 248-256; September, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"AIDS, APL Integrated-Circuit Design System,"
APL 81 Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, California, pp. 240-247;
October 21-23, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Principal Values and Branch Cuts in Complex APL,"
APL 81 Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, California, pp. 248-256;
October 21-23, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Progress Report," DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; August 12, 1981 - November 11, 1981.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Small is Big: The Microelectronic Challenge,"
in The Innovative Process: Evolution vs. Revolution, Proceedings of
a Symposium for Senior Executives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Industrial Liaison Program, London, England, pp. 97-111; November 12-13, 1981.
- Paul Penfield,
Invited talk, VLSI Implementation Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada;
December 4-5, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1981 M.I.T. VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; December 14, 1981.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
ed., Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
January 25-27, 1982.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Foreword," Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
January 25-27, 1982.
- Jonathan Allen,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Ronald Rivest, Gerald Sussman, and Howard Shrobe,
"Conversion of Algorithms to Custom Integrated Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 124, pp. 159-162; January, 1982.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Progress Report," DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; November 12, 1981 - February 11, 1982.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Small is Big: The Microelectronic Challenge,"
invited talk, IEEE Section, Worcester, Massachusetts; March 24, 1982.
- P. Penfield,
"VLSI Research: A Moving Target,"
Invited Talk, GTE Laboratories, Inc., New York, New York; April 29, 1982.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Small is Big: The Microelectronic Challenge,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 82-94; April, 1982 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Progress Report," DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; February 12, 1982 - May 11, 1982.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1982 M.I.T. VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May 17, 1982.
- Lance A. Glasser and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"VLSI Circuit Theory,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 82-115; August, 1982 (unpublished).
- Robert W. Brodersen, John L. Hennessy,
Paul Penfield, Jr., and
Donald E. Thomas, "Report, SRC Network Subcommittee," Semiconductor Research
Corporation; September 2, 1982.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Small is Big: The Microelectronic Challenge,"
MIT Alumni Officers Conference, San Francisco, California; September 25, 1982.
- Paul Penfield,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Clifton G. Fonstad, Lance A. Glasser, Ronald L. Rivest,
Gerald J. Sussman, and Richard E. Zippel,
"Theory and Practice for Large-Scale Systems," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; May 12, 1982 - September 30, 1982.
- Andrew J. Steckl, moderator, N. Masnari, J. A. G. Jess, F. Branin,
R. Shuey, L. Sumney, D. O. Pederson, and
P. Penfield, panelists,
"The University Role in VLSI Research and Education," ICCC 82, IEEE International
Conference on Circuits and Computers, New York, New York;
September 28 - October 1, 1982.
- Lance A. Glasser and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"VLSI Circuit Theory,"
Proceedings, 1982 IEEE International Large Scale Systems Symposium,
Virginia Beach, Virginia, pp. 499-501; October 11-13, 1982.
- Paul Penfield,
"VLSI: Perspectives and Opportunities,"
invited talk, MIT Club of Boston, Waltham, Massachusetts; October 28, 1982.
- Paul Penfield,
"Small is Big: The M.I.T. VLSI Program," invited talk, Raytheon Company,
Research Division, Lexington, Massachusetts; October 28, 1982.
- Paul Penfield,
"Salient Features of MARTHA," invited talk, MIT Lincoln Laboratory,
Lexington, Massachusetts; November 9, 1982.
- Paul Penfield,
"Why This Workshop?," Workshop on AI Expert System for Testing,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; November 23, 1982.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1982 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; December 10, 1982.
- Paul Penfield,
invited talk, MIT Alumni Association, Class of 1958,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; January 27, 1983.
- Jonathan Allen,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Ronald Rivest, Gerald Sussman, and Howard Shrobe,
"Conversion of Algorithms to Custom Integrated Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 125, pp. 171-175; January, 1983.
- Lance A. Glasser,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Isaac Bain, and Charles Zukowski,
"A Circuit Theory for Digital VLSI Systems,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 125, pp. 175-176; January, 1983.
- P. Penfield,
"SRC Network Report and Recommendation," SRC University Advisory Committee,
Fourth Meeting, New York, New York; February 25, 1983.
- Paul Penfield,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Clifton G. Fonstad, Lance A. Glasser, Ronald L. Rivest,
Gerald J. Sussman, and Richard E. Zippel,
"Theory and Practice for Large-Scale Systems," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; October 1, 1982 - April 1, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"What Will We Do with All This Silicon?," invited talk, Gould Electronics
Society Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts; May 10, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1983 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May 16, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"What Will We Do with All This Silicon?," Whitney Symposium on Science and
Technology IV, "Advances in Solid State Electronics," General Electric
Company, Schenectady, New York; June 7-10, 1983.
- Jorge Rubinstein,
Paul Penfield, Jr., and
Mark A. Horowitz, "Signal Delay in RC Tree Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, vol. CAD-2, no. 3,
pp. 202-211; July, 1983.
- John L. Wyatt, Jr., Charles Zukowski, Lance A. Glasser, Paul Bassett,
and Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"The Waveform Bounding Approach to Timing Analysis of Digital MOS IC's,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 83-148; July, 1983 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"What Will We Do with All This Silicon?," invited talk, General Motors
Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan; August 17, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Three-Dimensional Circuits and System Technology," Quarterly Report of
Progress, Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract Number 83-01-033
with Massachusetts Institute of Technology; June 1, 1983 - August 31, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Student Guide to Microsystems Research at M.I.T.,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Integrated Circuit Memo No. 80-10; Revised August, 1983
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Clifton G. Fonstad, Lance A. Glasser,
Ronald L. Rivest, Gerald J. Sussman, and Richard E. Zippel,
"Theory and Practice for Large-Scale Systems," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1983 - September 30, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"What Will We Do with All This Silicon?," invited talk, United Technologies
Research Center, East Hartford, Connecticut; November 3, 1983.
- J. L. Wyatt, Jr., C. Zukowski, L. A. Glasser, P. Bassett, and
P. Penfield, Jr.,
"The Waveform Bounding Approach to Timing Analysis of Digital MOS IC's,"
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design:
VLSI in Computers, Port Chester, New York, pp. 392-395;
October 31 - November 3, 1983.
- Paul Penfield,
"Welcome and Introduction," Thermal Design and Packaging of VLSI Components,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Industrial Liaison Program Symposium,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; November 16, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Three-Dimensional Circuits and System Technology," Quarterly Report of
Progress, Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract Number 83-01-033
with Massachusetts Institute of Technology; September 1, 1983 - November 30, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Small is Big: The Microelectronic Challenge," invited talk, MIT Corporation,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; December 2, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1983 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; December 19, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Principal Investigator, "VLSI-Nial Project," Quarterly Progress Report No. 1,
IBM Corporation contract with Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
September 15, 1983 - December 31, 1983.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Stanley B. Gershwin, David A. Hodges, Carlton M. Osburn, John Reynolds,
John Shott, Andrew J. Steckl, and Donald E. Troxel,
"Requirements for Computer-Aided Fabrication;" January 17, 1984 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
ed., "Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI," Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; January 23-25, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Foreword," Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
January 23-25, 1984.
- Jonathan Allen,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Ronald Rivest, Gerald Sussman, and Howard Shrobe,
"Conversion of Algorithms to Custom Integrated Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 126, pp. 173-175; January, 1984.
- Lance A. Glasser,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
John L. Wyatt, Jr., Isaac Bain, and Charles Zukowski,
"A Circuit Theory for Digital VLSI Systems,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 126, pp. 175-177; January, 1984.
- John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Charles Zukowski, Han-Ngee Tan, Pearl Yew, and Peter O'Brien,
"Waveform Bounding for Fast Timing Analysis of MOS VLSI Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 126, pp. 178-179; January, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Purpose of the Workshop," Computer-Aided Fabrication Workshop, University
of California, Berkeley, California; February 21, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Collection of Written Summaries," Computer-Aided Fabrication Workshop,
University of California, Berkeley, California; February 21, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Three-Dimensional Circuits and System Technology," Quarterly Report of
Progress, Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract Number 83-01-033
with Massachusetts Institute of Technology; December 1, 1983–February
29, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Administrative Overview," Annual Review, SRC-M.I.T. Program in
Three-Dimensional Circuits and Systems Technology, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; March 1, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Principal Investigator, "VLSI-Nial Project," Quarterly Progress Report,
IBM Corporation contract with Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
January 1, 1984–March 31, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Clifton G. Fonstad, Lance A. Glasser,
Ronald L. Rivest, Gerald J. Sussman, and Richard E. Zippel,
"Theory and Practice for Large-Scale Systems," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1983–March 31, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1984 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May 21, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"SRC-M.I.T. Program in Three-Dimensional Circuits and Systems Technology," Annual
Report, Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract Number 83-01-033
with Massachusetts Institute of Technology; June 1, 1983–May 31, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Principal Investigator, "VLSI-Nial Project," Quarterly Progress Report No. 3,
IBM Corporation contract with Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
April 1, 1984–June 30, 1984.
- Paul Penfield,
"Multilayer Integrated Circuit Technology," Quarterly Report of
Progress, Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract Number 83-01-033
with Massachusetts Institute of Technology; June 1, 1984–August 31, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
untitled talk, Conference on Technology Based Consortium Formation,
UN/NW VLSI Consortium, Department of Computer Science, University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington; August 6–7, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Student Guide to Microsystems Research at M.I.T.,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, Integrated Circuit Memo No. 80-10; Revised
August, 1984 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Stanley B. Gershwin, David A. Hodges, Carlton M. Osburn, John Reynolds,
John Shott, Andrew J. Steckl, and Donald E. Troxel,
"Requirements for Computer-Aided Fabrication,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 84-200; August, 1984 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Clifton G. Fonstad, Lance A. Glasser,
Ronald L. Rivest, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., and Richard E. Zippel,
"Theory and Practice for Large-Scale Systems," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1984 - October 1, 1984.
- P. L. Penfield, Jr.
"MIT Microsystems Program," in
"Reports to the President 1983-84," Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, page 136; October, 1984.
- P. L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Multilayer Integrated Circuit Technology," Quarterly Report of
Progress, Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract Number 83-01-033
with Massachusetts Institute of Technology; September 1, 1984 - November 30, 1984.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1984 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; December 17, 1984.
- Lance A. Glasser,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
John L. Wyatt, Jr., Isaac Bain, William Song, John Wroclawski, and
Charles Zukowski, "A Circuit Theory for Digital VLSI Systems,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 127, pp. 62-63; January, 1985.
- John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Charles Zukowski, Quinjian Yu, Han-Ngee Tan, Keith Nabors,
David Standley, and Peter O'Brien,
"Waveform Bounding for Fast Timing Analysis of MOS VLSI Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 127, pp. 63-65; January, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr. and
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, "Introduction," Special Seminar, Talks by Researchers
from Hitachi, Ltd., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Microsystems Program
Office; February 20, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Multilayer Integrated Circuit Technology," Quarterly Report of
Progress, Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract Number 83-01-033
with Massachusetts Institute of Technology; December 1, 1984 - February 28, 1985.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Overview of Research Center Programs," Next-Generation Commercial Integrated
Circuit Technology, National Conference,
Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina; March 26, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., Charles E. Leiserson,
Ronald L. Rivest, John L. Wyatt, Jr., and Richard E. Zippel,
"A Coherent VLSI Design Environment," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1984 - March 31, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1985 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May 20, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"SRC-M.I.T. Program in Multilayer Integrated Circuit Technology," Annual
Report, Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract Number 83-01-033
with Massachusetts Institute of Technology; June 1, 1984 - May 31, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication of Integrated Circuits," Workshop on Designing
VLSI Systems, Canadian Microelectronics Corporation, Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada; June 5-7, 1985.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.
"MIT Microsystems Program," in
"Reports to the President 1984-85," Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 136-137; September, 1985.
- J. L. Wyatt, Jr., C. A. Zukowski, and
P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Step Response Bounds for Systems Described by M-Matrices, with
Application to Timing Analysis of Digital MOS Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, VLSI Memo No. 85-257; September, 1985 (unpublished).
- J. L. Wyatt, Jr., C. A. Zukowski, and
P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Step Response Bounds for Systems Described by M-Matrices, with
Application to Timing Analysis of Digital MOS Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Information and
Decision Systems, Memo LIDS-P-1492; September, 1985 (unpublished).
Text (583,979 bytes).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., Charles E. Leiserson,
Ronald L. Rivest, John L. Wyatt, Jr., and Richard E. Zippel,
"A Coherent VLSI Design Environment," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1985 - September 30, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Stanley B. Gershwin, Dimitri A. Antoniadis, and Donald E. Troxel,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication System Implementation," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-85-K-0213 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1985 - September 30, 1985.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Introductory Remarks," Diamonds in the Sand, A Symposium on the
Occasion of the Dedication of the Gordon Stanley Brown Building,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
December 6, 1985.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
Remarks, Dedication of the Gordon Stanley Brown Building,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
December 6, 1985.
- J. L. Wyatt, Jr., C. Zukowski, and
P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Step Response Bounds for Systems Described by M-Matrices, with
Application to Timing Analysis of Digital MOS Circuits," Proceedings
of the 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, pp. 1552-1557; December 11-13, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1985 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts; December 16, 1985.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"CAF Computer New-User's Kit," Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center; December 27, 1985 (unpublished).
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Use of PCs with CAF," in
"CAF Computer New-User's Kit," Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center; December 30, 1985 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Principal Investigator, "VLSI-Nial Project," Final Report,
IBM Corporation contract with Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
September 15, 1983 - December 31, 1985.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Student Guide to Microsystems Research at MIT,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Microsystems Research Center;
Revised December, 1985 (unpublished).
- J. Peter Bartl and
Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Introduction," Recent Advances in VLSI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Industrial Liaison Program Symposium, Santa Clara, California; January 30, 1986.
- John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Keith Nabors, David Standley, and Peter O'Brien,
"Waveform Bounding for Fast Timing Analysis of Digital VLSI Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 128, pp. 74-76; January, 1986.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Small is Big at M.I.T.: A Progress Report on the Microsystems Program,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Corporation meeting,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; March 7, 1986.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication and Other VLSI Research at MIT,"
Invited Talk, Topics in VLSI Seminar, International Business Machines
Corporation, Yorktown Heights, New York; March 21, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"XyWrite Installations," Microsystems Research Center, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; April 17, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., Charles E. Leiserson,
Ronald L. Rivest, and John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
"A Coherent VLSI Design Environment," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1985 - March 31, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Stanley B. Gershwin, Dimitri A. Antoniadis, and Donald E. Troxel,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication System Implementation," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-85-K-0213 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1985 - March 31, 1986.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Coherent VLSI Design Environment," Invited Talk, Advisory Group on
Electron Devices, Working Group B (Microelectronics), Crystal City,
Virginia; May 16, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1986 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts; May 19, 1986.
- P. Penfield, Jr.
and D. E. Troxel, "Computer-Aided Fabrication: CAF System Structure,"
Research in Microsystems Technology, Annual Report, Microsystems Technology
Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, p. 65; May, 1986.
- J. L. Wyatt, Jr., C. A. Zukowski, and
P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Step Response Bounds for Large-Scale Linear Systems Described by M-Matrices, with
VLSI Application," SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra in Signals,
Systems and Control, Boston, Massachusetts, pp. A35-A36; August 12-14, 1986.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.
"Microsystems Research Center," in
"Reports to the President 1985-86," Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, page 212; September, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
William J. Dally, Lance A. Glasser, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., Charles E.
Leiserson, John L. Wyatt, Jr., and Richard E. Zippel,
"A Coherent VLSI Design Environment," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1986 - September 30, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Stanley B. Gershwin, and Donald E. Troxel,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication System Implementation,"
Semiannual Technical Report, DARPA Contract N00014-85-K-0213 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1986 - September 30, 1986.
- Richard E. Zippel,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Charles E. Leiserson, John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
F. Thomson Leighton, and Jonathan Allen, "Recent Results in VLSI CAD at MIT,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Microsystems Research Center,
VLSI Memo No. 86-341; October, 1980 (unpublished).
- Richard E. Zippel,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Charles E. Leiserson, John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
F. Thomson Leighton, and Jonathan Allen, "Recent Results in VLSI CAD at MIT,"
Proceedings of the 1986 Fall Joint Computer Conference, Dallas, Texas,
pp. 871-877; November 2-6, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Common CAF: What to Standardize?,"
SRC Workshop on System Architecture for CIM, D. Hodges and R. K. Cavin III,
Co-Chairmen, Berkeley, California; November 11-14, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction," Advanced Technology for Semiconductor Device
Materials, Hitachi, Ltd., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts; December 12, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1986 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts; December 15, 1986.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication of Integrated Circuits,"
Colloquium, Department of Electrical Engineering, Moore School of
Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
January 15, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Local XyWrite Enhancements," Internal Office Memorandum, Microsystems
Research Center, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; January 28, 1987
- John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Lance A. Glasser, Keith Nabors, David Standley, Peter O'Brien, and
Desmond Kirkpatrick,
"Waveform Bounding for Fast Timing Analysis of Digital VLSI Circuits,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 129, pp. 83-84; January, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication of Integrated Circuits," Conference on
Advanced Research in VLSI, New Technologies for New Architectures,
Stanford, California; March 23-25, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
William J. Dally, Lance A. Glasser, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., F. Thomson
Leighton, Charles E. Leiserson, and John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
"A Coherent VLSI Design Environment," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1986 - March 31, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Emanuel M. Sachs, Donald E. Troxel, and
Stanley B. Gershwin, "Computer-Aided Fabrication System Implementation,"
Semiannual Technical Report, DARPA Contract N00014-85-K-0213 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1986 - March 31, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication of Integrated Circuits," Massachusetts
Microelectronics Center, Westborough, Massachusetts; April 2, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication Of Integrated Circuits," Technology Briefing
for Venture Capital Firms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Industrial Liaison Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts; April 23, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1987 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts; May 18, 1987.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication Of Integrated Circuits," pp. 79-80,
Research in Microsystems Technology, Annual Report, Microsystems Technology
Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May, 1987.
- P. Penfield, Jr.
and D. E. Troxel, "Computer-Aided Fabrication: CAF System Structure," pp. 80-81,
Research in Microsystems Technology, Annual Report, Microsystems Technology
Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction," DARPA-SRC Workshop on CIM for Integrated Circuits,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; June 3-4, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Critical Problems in Very Large Scale Computer Systems,"
DARPA ISTO Computer Systems Principal Investigators Meeting, Gaithersburg,
Maryland; September 15-17, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.
"Microsystems Research Center," in
"Reports to the President 1986-87," Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 209-210; September, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
William J. Dally, Lance A. Glasser, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., F. Thomson
Leighton, Charles E. Leiserson, Jacob K. White, and John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
"A Coherent VLSI Design Environment," Semiannual Technical Report,
DARPA Contract N00014-80-C-0622 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1987 - September 30, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Emanuel M. Sachs, Stephen D. Senturia, Donald E. Troxel,
and Stanley B. Gershwin, "Computer-Aided Fabrication System Implementation,"
Semiannual Technical Report, DARPA Contract N00014-85-K-0213 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1987 - September 30, 1987.
- P. Penfield,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication of Integrated Circuits,"
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, Rye Brook, New York;
October 5-8, 1987.
- Paul Penfield,
"Computer Aided Fabrication,"
DARPA Semiannual VLSI Contractors Meeting, Berkeley, California;
November 16-17, 1987.
- Paul Penfield,
"Critical Problems in Large Scale Systems,"
DARPA Semiannual VLSI Contractors Meeting, Berkeley, California;
November 16-17, 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1987 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts; December 14, 1987.
- Jorge Rubinstein,
Paul Penfield, Jr., and
Mark A. Horowitz, "Signal Delay in RC Tree Networks," in "Selected Papers on
Computer-Aided Design of Analog Networks," Jiri Vlach and Kishore Singhal,
editors, IEEE Press, New York, New York, pp. 119-127; 1987.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Anant Agarwal, William J. Dally, Lance A. Glasser, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., F.
Thomson Leighton, Charles E. Leiserson, Jacob K. White, and John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
"Critical Problems in Very Large Scale Computer Systems," Semiannual Technical
Report, DARPA Contract N00014-87-K-0825 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1987 - March 31, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Stanley B. Gershwin, Emanuel M. Sachs, Stephen D. Senturia,
and Donald E. Troxel, "Computer-Aided Fabrication System Implementation,"
Semiannual Technical Report, DARPA Contract N00014-85-K-0213 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1987 - March 31, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer Aided Fabrication: Will it Solve Today's Problems or Create
New Opportunities?", The Microsystems Technology Laboratories: An
Exclusive Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May 16, 1988.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication Of Integrated Circuits," p. 71,
Research in Microsystems Technology, Annual Report, Microsystems Technology
Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication Systems Architecture," Semiconductor
Research Corporation Seminar on Computer Automated Semiconductor
Manufacturing, East Fishkill, New York; June 28, 1988.
- Paul Penfield
and Duane Boning, "Is the Two-Stage Process-Step Model Valid?," CIM-IC
Workshop, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California; August 4-5, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication: Where Do We Want to Be in Five Years?," CIM-IC
Workshop, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California; August 4-5, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication of Integrated Circuits," Fall '88 MCC
Associates Workshop, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation,
Austin, Texas; September 27, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Anant Agarwal, William J. Dally, Srinivas Devadas, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., F.
Thomson Leighton, Charles E. Leiserson, Jacob K. White, and John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
"Critical Problems in Very Large Scale Computer Systems," Semiannual Technical
Report, DARPA Contract N00014-87-K-0825 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1988 - September 30, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.
"Microsystems Research Center," in
"Reports to the President 1987-88," Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, page 221; September, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Stanley B. Gershwin, Stephen D. Senturia, Emanuel M. Sachs,
and Donald E. Troxel, "Computer-Aided Fabrication System Implementation,"
Semiannual Technical Report, DARPA Contract N00014-85-K-0213 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1988 - September 30, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"What will it take for us to have Application-Specific Processes for our
Application-Specific Integrated Circuits," Invited talk, Canadian
Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada;
October 23-25, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Overview of the Microelectronics Industry Group at MIT," MIT Materials
Processing Center and Microsystems Industrial Group, MIT, and Welding Research
Institute, Osaka University, Japan, page 6; November 7, 1988.
- Paul Penfield,
"Computer-aided Manufacturing," Lecture in 15.965 Business Implications
of Advanced Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA; November 30, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer Aided Fabrication of IC's," Technology Day, Northern Telecom
Electronics Limited, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; December 16, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Fall 1988 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts; December 19, 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr. and
Jorge Rubinstein, "Signal Delay in RC Tree Networks," in
25 Years of Electronic Design, The Association for Computing Machinery,
New York, New York, pp. 421-425; 1988.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer Support for Manufacture of Application-Specific Processes for
Integrated Circuits," Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi,
Japan; March 28, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer Support for Manufacture of Application-Specific Processes for
Integrated Circuits," Hitachi, Ltd., Central Research Laboratory, Kokubunji,
Japan; March 29, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer Support for Manufacture of Application-Specific Processes for
Integrated Circuits," MIT ILP Japan Seminar, Tokyo, Japan; March 31, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Anant Agarwal, William J. Dally, Srinivas Devadas, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., F.
Thomson Leighton, Charles E. Leiserson, Jacob K. White, and John L. Wyatt, Jr.,
"Critical Problems in Very Large Scale Computer Systems," Semiannual Technical
Report, DARPA Contract N00014-87-K-0825 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1988 - March 31, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Stanley B. Gershwin, Stephen D. Senturia, Emanuel M. Sachs,
and Donald E. Troxel, "Computer-Aided Fabrication System Implementation,"
Semiannual Technical Report, DARPA Contracts N00014-85-K-0213 and MDA972-88-0008 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; October 1, 1988 - March 31, 1989.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Symposium Overview," Recent Advances in VLSI, MIT Industrial
Liaison Program Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts; April 4, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication of Integrated Circuits," "Recent Advances in
VLSI," MIT Industrial Liaison Program Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
April 4, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Welcome and Introduction,"
Spring 1989 VLSI Research Review, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Microsystems Research Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts; May 22, 1989.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Computer-Aided Fabrication Of Integrated Circuits," p. 91,
Research in Microsystems Technology, Annual Report, Microsystems Technology
Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts; May, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Stanley B. Gershwin, Stephen D. Senturia, Emanuel M. Sachs,
and Donald E. Troxel, "Computer-Aided Fabrication of Integrated Circuits,"
Semiannual Technical Report, DARPA Contract MDA972-88-0008 with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; April 1, 1989 - September 30, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.
"Microsystems Research Center," in
"Reports to the President 1988-89," Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, page 263; September, 1989.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.
"Discrimination and Sexual Harassment," Memorandum, Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; December 4, 1989.
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