Publications, 1970 – 1979
Publications from these ten years are listed in chronological order, in all areas
of interest. This list includes books, published papers, unpublished papers,
unpublished memoranda and other items, invited talks, and other presentations.
Recent publications
Earlier publications:
through 1959
1960 – 1969
- R. P. Rafuse, P. Penfield,
Jr., and D. H. Steinbrecher,
"Solid-State Microwave Electronics, Research Objectives,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 96, p. 51; January 15, 1970.
- L. J. Chu, H. A. Haus, J. A. Kong, and
P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Research Objectives, Electrodynamics of Media,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 96, p. 69; January 15, 1970.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; February 23, 1970.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Negative resistance reflection amplifiers with avalanche diodes,"
Technical Reports Server, Document ID 19700012313, Accession ID 70N21618;
February 23, 1970.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; May 15, 1970.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"New EE-RLE Building Plans," Electrical Engineering, Alumni newsletter,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering;
May, 1970.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"A Debugger for Avalanche-Diode Programs," Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Research Laboratory
of Electronics, Internal Memorandum No. 192; June 17, 1970 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
Abraham Bers, and Hermann A. Haus, "The Electrodynamics Memo Series,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 1; July 7, 1970 (unpublished).
- Paul Chorney and
Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Waveguide Power-Mode Theorems for Nonconservative Systems,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 3; July 23, 1970 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Algebraic Description of Electrical Networks,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 4; July 27, 1970 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; August 17, 1970.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
Robert Spence, and S. Duinker, "A Generalized Form of Tellegen's Theorem,"
IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory, vol. CT-17, no. 3, pp. 302-305;
August, 1970.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"MARTHA User's Manual,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 6; September 21, 1970 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Addendum to MARTHA User's Manual,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 12; November 13, 1970 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; November 23, 1970.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
Robert Spence, and Simon Duinker, "Tellegen's Theorem and Electrical Networks,"
Research Monograph No. 58, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 1970.
- P. L. Penfield, Jr.
and D. H. Steinbrecher,
"Solid-State Microwave Electronics, Research Objectives,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 100, p. 47; January 15, 1971.
- L. J. Chu, P. Penfield,
Jr., H. A. Haus, and J. A. Kong, "Electrodynamics of Media, Research
Objectives, 1. Force on Media in Electromagnetic Fields,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 100, p. 73; January 15, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Circuit Analysis Using APL," seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York;
February 9, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Quarterly Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; February 15, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"General-Purpose Electric-Circuit Analyzer Imbedded in APL,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 15; February 26, 1971 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"General-Purpose Network Analysis Using Wiring Operators,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 16; March 3, 1971 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"An Interactive Approach to Electrical Network Analysis," seminar, IBM
Philadelphia Scientific Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; March 10, 1971.
- Charles A. Myers, John D. Alden, Lee Grodzins, and
Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Forecasts of Overall Needs for Engineering, Scientific and Managerial Talent
in the Coming Decade," Career Seminar for MIT Alumni, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; April 17-18, 1971.
- Dr. Christopher Penfield,
"Set of APL Programs for Use in Network Theory,"
APL Users Conference, University of California, Berkeley, CA;
April 20-21, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Description of Electrical Networks using Wiring Operators,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 17; April 23, 1971 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"General-Purpose Electric-Circuit Analyzer Imbedded in APL,"
Proceedings of the Purdue 1971 Symposium on Applications of Computers
to Electrical Engineering Education, Purdue University, Lafayette,
Indiana, pp. 402-405; April 26-28, 1971.
- Harold S. Goldberg, William Capron, Kenneth J. Germeshausen,
Herbert Roth, Jr., Albert J. Kelley, F. Bradford Morse,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
and Louis D. Smullin, "Report to the President of IEEE," Ad hoc Economic
Analysis Committee; May 17, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr,
David H. Staelin, and Jin-Au Kong,
"Final Report, Television Interference in Greater New York Related to the
World Trade Center," prepared for the New York Port Authority; May 15, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr,
"Boston Workshop," Physics Today, vol. 24, no. 5, p. 15; May, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Semiannual Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; August 15, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"General-Purpose Network Analysis Using Wiring Operators,"
Digest of Technical Papers, London 1971 IEEE International
Symposium on Electrical Network Theory, The City University, London,
England, pp. 116-117; September 6-10, 1971.
- P. Penfield, Jr,
"Algebraic Description of Electrical Networks,"
Colloque APL, Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique,
Paris, France; September 9-10, 1971.
- -----,
"Notes on Vector and Matrix Notation," notes for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 29, 1971.
- -----,
"Concise Matrix Description of the Node Method," notes for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 29, 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Chairman's Column," The Reflector, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 3;
September, 1971.
- Paul Chorney and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Waveguide Power-Mode Theorems for Nonconservative Systems," IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT-19, no. 9,
pp. 767-772; September, 1971.
- Harold S. Goldberg, William Capron, Kenneth J. Germeshausen,
Herbert Roth, Jr., Albert J. Kelley, F. Bradford Morse,
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
and Louis D. Smullin, "Economic Analysis Committee Report to the President
of IEEE," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
vol. AES-7, no. 5, pp. 746-767; September, 1971.
- Paul Penfield,
"Notes on Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic," notes for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 1, 1971.
- -----,
"Notes on Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic Continued," notes for subject
6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 4, 1971.
- -----, Handout demonstration of MARTHA, 11 pp.; November 1, 1971.
- P. Penfield,
"Computer-Aided Linear-Circuit Design," NEREM 71 Record, Part 1,
Boston, Massachusetts, pp. 185-188; November 2-5, 1971.
- -----,
"Notes on Finite-State Machines," notes for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; November 18, 1971.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Chairman's Column," The Reflector, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 7;
November, 1971.
- -----,
"Supplement to Notes on Finite-State Machines," notes for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; December 8, 1971.
- -----, "MARTHA Computer Aided Circuit Design," promotional flier,
The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 1971.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"MARTHA User's Manual," The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 1971.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Description of electrical networks using wiring operators,"
Technical Reports Server, Document ID 19720033809, Accession ID 72A17475;
January 1, 1972.
- M. Greenspan, K. I. Thomassen, and
P. Penfield, Jr.,
"General-purpose microwave circuit analysis incorporating waveguide discontinuity models,"
Technical Reports Server, Document ID 19740075175, Accession ID 74N73114;
January 1, 1972.
- P. L. Penfield, Jr.
and D. H. Steinbrecher,
"Solid-State Microwave Electronics, Research Objectives,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 104, p. 89; January 15, 1972.
- L. J. Chu, H. A. Haus,
and P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Electrodynamics of Media, Research
Objectives and Summary of Research, 1. Force on Media in Electromagnetic Fields,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 104, p. 133; January 15, 1972.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Description of Electrical Networks Using Wiring Operators,"
Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 49-53; January, 1972.
- Paul Penfield,
"Notes on the Language APL," Notes for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 3, 1972.
- -----,
"Notes on Matrix Notation," Notes no. 2 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 3, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Representation of Network Topology," Class Notes no. 3 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 10, 1972.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Semiannual Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; February 15, 1972.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
D. F. Peterson, and D. H. Steinbrecher, "Circuit model for characterizing
the nearly linear behavior of avalanche diodes in amplifier circuits,"
Technical Reports Server, Document ID 19720020592, Accession ID 72N28242;
February 15, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Node Method of Analysis of Linear Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 4
for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 15, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Notes on Two-Port Networks," Class Notes no. 5 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 24, 1972.
- -----,
"Nonlinear-Resistor Networks," Notes no. 6 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 29, 1972.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"From the Chairman," The Reflector, vol. 20, no. 7, p. 14;
March 1, 1972.
- M. Greenspan, K. I. Thomassen, and
P. Penfield,
"Use of Waveguide Discontinuity Models in a General Purpose
Linear Network Analysis Program," Boston Section IEEE, Microwave
Theory and Techniques, Aerospace and Electronic Systems, and Electromagnetic
Compatibility Group Chapters, Burlington, Massachusetts; March 8, 1972;
The Reflector, vol. 20, no. 7, p. 10; March 1, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Notes on Boolean Algebra and Combinational Logic," Class Notes no. 7 for
subject 6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering; March 7, 1972.
- -----,
"Node Method in Time Domain," Notes no. 8 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; April 4, 1972.
- -----,
"Series-Parallel Method in the Time Domain," Notes no. 9 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; April 4, 1972.
- Paul Penfield,
"How to Solve Linear Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations," Class Notes
no. 10 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; April 6, 1972.
- -----,
"Notes on Finite-State Machines," notes for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; April 27, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Errata sheet for 'Notes on Finite State Machines'," Class Notes no. 13 for
subject 6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering; May 3, 1972.
- Michael Greenspan, K. I. Thomassen, and
Paul Penfield Jr.,
"General-Purpose Microwave Circuit Analysis Incorporating Waveguide Discontinuity
Models," Digest of Technical Papers, 1972 IEEE-GMTT International
Microwave Symposium, Arlington Heights, Illinois, pp. 104-106; May 22-24, 1972.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Security of APL Applications Packages," Proceedings of the Fourth
International APL Users' Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 119-121; June
15-16, 1972.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Use of APL in Teaching Electrical Network Theory," Proceedings of the Fourth
International APL Users' Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 191-193; June
15-16, 1972.
- -----, "MARTHA," seminar, Scientific Time Sharing Corporation, Bethesda,
Maryland; June 20, 1972.
- Paul Penfield,
"Notes on the Language APL," Notes for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 12, 1972.
- -----,
"Notes on Matrix Notation," Notes no. 2 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 12, 1972.
- -----,
"Notes on Series-Parallel Linear-Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 3 for
subject 6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering; September 12, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Representation of Network Topology," Class Notes no. 4 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 12, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Notes on Two-Port Networks," Class Notes no. 6 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 12, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Node Method of Analysis of Linear Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 5
for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 13, 1972.
- -----,
"Nonlinear-Resistor Networks," Notes no. 7 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 14, 1972.
- Penfield,
"Notes on Second-Order Networks," Class Notes no. 9
for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 18, 1972.
- Penfield,
"Notes on First Order Networks," Class Notes no. 8
for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 19, 1972.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Semiannual Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; October 25, 1972.
- -----,
"Node Method in Time Domain," Notes no. 12 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 30, 1972.
- Paul Penfield,
"How to Solve Linear Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations," Class Notes
no. 10 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 31, 1972.
- H. A. Haus, Jin Au Kong, and
P. L. Penfield jr.,
"Brevik's Remarks on the Principle of Virtual Power," Lettere al
Nuovo Cimento, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 803-806; November 18, 1972.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Proposed Notation and Implementation for Derivatives in APL,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 28; December 21, 1972 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Opesanie elektricheskich tschepen s pomochio operatorov soedinenii,
Description of Electrical Networks Using Wiring Orepators,"
Avtomatischachia v proektirovanii, Moskva, 1972.
- P. Penfield Jnr.,
"Subject Lecture I,"
APL Tutorial Seminar, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London,
United Kingdom; January 4, 1973.
- P. Penfield Jnr.,
"Subject Lecture II,"
APL Tutorial Seminar, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London,
United Kingdom; January 5, 1973.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"General Purpose Circuit Analysis in APL,"
Network Theory Seminar, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London,
United Kingdom; January 8, 1973.
- R. L. Kyhl,
P. L. Penfield, Jr.,
D. H. Staelin, and D. H. Steinbrecher, "Low-Temperature Millimeter
Wave Receivers, Research Objectives and Summary of Research,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 108, p. 61; January 15, 1973.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"The Language APL," Class Notes no. 1 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 5, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"APL Matrix Notation," Notes no. 2 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 5, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notes on Series-Parallel Linear-Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 3 for
subject 6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering; February 5, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Controlled Sources," Class Notes no. 4 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 5, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Representation of Network Topology," Class Notes no. 5 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 6, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Node Method of Analysis of Linear-Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 6 for
subject 6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering; February 9, 1973.
- -----,
"Notes on Two-Port Networks," Class Notes no. 7 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Nonlinear-Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 8 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; February 12, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notes on First Order Networks," Class Notes no. 9 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; March 13, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notes on Second-Order Networks," Class Notes no. 10 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; March 13, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"How to Solve Linear Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations,"
Class Notes no. 11 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; March 22, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Node Method in Time Domain," Class Notes no. 12 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; March 27, 1973.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Individual Paced Instruction,"
1973 Joint Spring Conference, American Technical Education Association and
American Society of Engineering Education, Technical Institute Unit,
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts; March 30, 1973.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Tightness: A New Attribute of Two-Port Networks,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 29; March 30, 1973 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Analysis Techniques in the Frequency Domain," Class Notes no. 13 for subject
6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; April 24, 1973.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 30; April 25, 1973 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
Correspondence, APL Quote-Quad, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 1-2; April, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Proposed Notation and Implementation for Derivatives in APL," Proceedings
of the Fifth International APL Users'Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
pp. 12-1 - 12-5; May 15-18, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Final Status Report," NASA Grant NGR 22-009-337 with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; May 30, 1973.
- P. Penfield, Jr.,
"Avalanche diodes for the generation of coherent radiation,"
Technical Reports Server, Document ID 19730022440, Accession ID 73N31172;
May 30, 1973.
- Slobodan M. Lazovic and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notation for the Output from Synthesis Programs," July, 1973.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"The Language APL," Class Notes no. 1 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 11, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"APL Matrix Notation," Notes no. 2 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 11, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notes on Series-Parallel Linear-Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 3 for
subject 6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering; September 11, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Controlled Sources," Class Notes no. 4 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 11, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Representation of Network Topology," Class Notes no. 5 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 11, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Node Method of Analysis of Linear-Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 6 for
subject 6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering; September 18, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notes on Two-Port Networks," Class Notes no. 7 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 18, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Nonlinear-Resistor Networks," Class Notes no. 8 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 18, 1973.
- PPjr,
"Brief Notes on Operational Amplifiers (Opamps)," Supplement to Class
Notes no. 7 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; September 28, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notes on First Order Networks," Class Notes no. 9 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 2, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notes on Second-Order Networks," Class Notes no. 10 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 2, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"How to Solve Linear Constant-Coefficient Differential Equations,"
Class Notes no. 11 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 2, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Node Method in Time Domain," Class Notes no. 12 for subject 6.01,
Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 2, 1973.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Analysis Techniques in the Frequency Domain," Class Notes no. 13 for subject
6.01, Introductory Network Theory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering; October 2, 1973.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Exact Cascading for Nonlinear Networks,"
Signatron, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts; October 24, 1973 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Frequency-Power Formulas for Josephson Junctions,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 35; December 12, 1973 (unpublished).
- R. B. Adler, M. S. Gupta, R. L. Kyhl,
P. L. Penfield, Jr., and
D. H. Staelin, "Microwave and Millimeter Wave Techniques, Research Objectives
and Summary of Research, Low-Temperature Millimeter Wave Receivers,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 112, p. 35; January 15, 1974.
- Ronald F. Bauer and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"De-Embedding and Unterminating," IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT-22, no. 3,
pp. 282-288; March, 1974.
- Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
"Frequency-Power Formulas for Josephson Junctions,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 113, pp. 31-32; April 15, 1974.
- H. A. Haus, J. A. Kong, and
P. Penfield jr.,
"Comments on 'Further Remarks on the Principle of Virtual Power'," Lettere al
Nuovo Cimento, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 222-226; June 8, 1974.
- Richard B. Adler, Madhu S. Gupta, Robert L. Kyhl,
Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
and David H. Staelin, "Microwave and Millimeter Wave Techniques,
Summary of Research, Low-Temperature Millimeter Wave Receivers,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Quarterly Progress Report No. 114, p. 55; July 15, 1974.
- Slobodan M. Lazovic and
Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notation for the Output from Synthesis Programs,"
1974 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, London, United
Kingdom, pp. 457-462; July 23-26, 1974.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"An APL Interpreter Written in APL,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 40; October 1, 1974 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"MARTHA User's Manual, 1973 Addendum,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering;

- Madhu S. Gupta, Robert L. Kyhl,
Paul L. Penfield, Jr.,
David H. Staelin, Wesley G. Brodsky, John F. Cooper, Lance A. Glasser,
Wojciech K. Gwarek, Syed A. Moinuddin, and Felipe D. Ramon y Alarcon,
"Microwave and Millimeter Wave Techniques, Research Objectives
and Summary of Research, 1. Low-Temperature Millimeter Wave Receivers,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Progress Report No. 115, pp. 67-68; January, 1975.
- Paul Penfield, Review
of J. C. Decroly et al, Parametric Amplifiers, Halsted Press, 1973, in
American Scientist, vol. 63, no. 1, p. 117; January-February, 1975.
- Paul Penfield Jr., "APL
Symbols," APL Quote Quad, vol. 6, issue 1, p. 36; Spring, 1975.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"An APL Interpreter Written in APL," APL 75: Congress Proceedings, P. S.
Abrams, G. H. Foster, H. R. Haegi, and S. Trumpy, eds., University of Pisa, Pisa,
Italy, pp. 265-269; June 11-13, 1975.
- R. E. Crochiere and P.
Penfield, Jr., "On the Efficient Design of Bandpass Digital Filter Structures,"
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
vol. ASSP-23, no. 3, pp. 380-381; August, 1975.
- -----, "MARTHA Information Sheet;" January, 1976 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Educational Uses of MARTHA," Application of the APL Computer Language to
Education in Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Sagamore Conference Center,
Raquette Lake, New York; August 18-20, 1976.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Electrodynamics of Moving Media," Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Electrical and Systems Engineering Department Colloquium, Troy, New York;
September 30, 1976.
- Jerome H. Saltzer, Fernando J. Corbató, Michael Hammer,
Frederick C. Hennie, Jin-Au Kong,
Paul L. Penfield,
Nils R. Sandell, Donald E. Troxel, and Joseph Weizenbaum, "Position Paper:
A Department Computer Facility," Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; October, 1976.
- Jerome H. Saltzer, Fernando J. Corbató, Michael Hammer,
Frederick C. Hennie, Jin-Au Kong,
Paul L. Penfield,
Nils R. Sandell, Donald E. Troxel,
and Joseph Weizenbaum, "Position Paper II: Proposed Requirements for a
Department Educational Computer Facility," Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; December, 1976.
, and
; 1976.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"MARTHA," Chapter 8 in Handbook of Circuit Analysis Languages and
Techniques, Randall W. Jensen and Lawrence P. McNamee, eds., Prentice-Hall,
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, pp. 496-535; 1976.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Notation for Complex 'Part' Functions,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 69; August 18, 1977 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Notation for Complex 'Part' Functions,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 11-13; September, 1977.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Extension of Primitive APL Functions to the Complex Domain,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 73; October 20, 1977 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Extension of Primitive APL Functions to the Complex Domain,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 36-43; December, 1977.
- Anonymous, "Puzzle of the Year, 1978,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 54; December, 1977.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Design Choices for Complex APL,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 77; February 21, 1978 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Design Choices for Complex APL,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 8-15; March, 1978.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"The Use of the Maximum Entropy Formalism in Non-Linear Networks,"
Maximum Entropy Formalism Conference, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; May 2-4, 1978.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"TAPETODISK," Interoffice Memorandum,
Digital Equipment Corporation; September 1, 1978 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Invited Speakers Announced for APL79,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 4; September, 1978.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Complex APL -- Comments from the APL Community,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 6-10; September, 1978.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Complex APL,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 89; October 26, 1978 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Artwork Analysis," Interoffice Memorandum,
Digital Equipment Corporation; November 1, 1978 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Proposal for a Complex APL,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 90; November 24, 1978 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Less than Three Months to APL79,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 1; December, 1978.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"An Integrated-Circuit Program for M.I.T.,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 91; May 4, 1979 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Microelectronics Research at M.I.T.," IEEE Conference Record, Third
Biennial University / Industry / Government Microelectronics Symposium,
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, pp. 156-160; May 21-23, 1979.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
APL79 Conference Proceedings, Association for Computing Machinery,
Rochester, New York, pp. iii-iv; May 30 - June 1, 1979.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Proposal for a Complex APL,"
APL79 Conference Proceedings, Association for Computing Machinery,
Rochester, New York, pp. 47-53; May 30 - June 1, 1979.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Research for the Third Decade of Integrated Circuits: Fabrication,
Design, and Architecture,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science; June 5, 1979 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Where is VLSI Taking Us?,"
Keynote Address, 1979 GenRad Technology Seminar, Marlboro, Massachusetts;
June 7-8, 1979.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
APL Quote Quad, vol. 9, no. 4, part 1, pp. iii-iv; June, 1979.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Proposal for a Complex APL,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 9, no. 4, part 1, pp. 47-53; June, 1979.
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"Microelectronics Research at M.I.T.," Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Electrodynamics Memorandum No. 94; July 5, 1979 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield, Jr.,
"AIDS User's Manual,"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science; September 11, 1979 (unpublished).
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
and Norman Thomson, "Variations on an Expanding Theme,"
APL Quote Quad, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 12-13; September, 1979.
- Paul Penfield Jr.,
"Using APL on the Speech System 20," Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Integrated Circuit Memorandum No. 2; October 4, 1979 (unpublished).
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