To keep energy consumption under control, future chips may need to move data using light instead of electricity -- and the technical expertise to build them may reside in the United States.
New nanopatterned surfaces could improve the efficiency of powerplants and desalination systems.
MTL faculty and graduate student alumni share the 2011 SEMI Award for North America.
Cell phones and computers have evolved by leaps and bounds in the last few decades. Now, it's time for medical devices to do the same. Right now, researchers are working on new gadgets to improve healthcare and help us save money on it.
This is part of an ongoing series about new MTL core faculty members.
This is part of an ongoing series about new MTL core faculty members.
Dana Weinstein, assistant professor in the MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department and principal investigator with the Microsystems Technology Laboratories, MTL, has been selected to receive the National Science Foundation Early Career Award, effective Feb. 1, 2012.
Prof. Anantha Chandrakasan was presented with a Standing Ovation Award at the MTL Industrial Advisory Group meeting in January 2012 to honor his five-year leadership of MTL.