MTL News Archives for 2012

SEMI Award for QD Vision Team

February 17, 2012

MTL faculty and graduate student alumni share the 2011 SEMI Award for North America. Profs. Vladimir Bulovic and Moungi Bawendi, with alumni Dr. Seth Coe-Sullivan, Dr. Jonathan S. Steckel, and their QD Vision colleague Dr. John Ritter were awarded the prestigious SEMI award, in recognition of QD Vision's "pioneering work in the commercialization of the colloidal quantum dot technology."

qdvision_frankel.jpgCoe-Sullivan, Steckel, and Bulovic founded QD Vision, Inc. in 2004 based on the technology collaboratively developed between Bawendi's Chemistry and Bulovic's Electrical Engineering laboratories.

QD Vision, headquartered in Lexington, Mass. is presently an 80+ person company, exemplifying MIT ingenuity driven by MTL alumni.

Read the full Award Announcement here