Kripa Varanasi
- Prof. Gareth McKinley, MIT
- Prof. Robert Cohen, MIT
Postdoctoral Associates
- Sushant Anand
- Gisele Azimi
- Yuehua Cui
- Rajeev Dhiman
- Navdeep Dhillon
Graduate Students
- Ingrid Guha (EECS)
- Christopher Love (ME)
- Adam Paxson (ME)
- Hyukmin Kwon (ME)
- J. David Smith (ME)
- Srinivas Subramaniam (DMSE)
- Alex Slocum Jr. (ME, MD Marshall Univ.)
- Karim Khalil (ME)
- Brian Solomon (ME)
- Divya Panchanathan (ME)
Research Staff
- Konrad Rykaczewki, Research Scientist
Support Staff
- Lauren Wolinsky, Administrative Assistant
(see for full listing)
Varanasi, K. K., Hsu, M., Bhate, N., Yang, W., and Deng, T., “Spatial Control in the Heterogeneous Nucleation of Water,” Applied Physics Letters, 95, 094101, 2009.
Deng, T., Varanasi, K. K., Hsu, M., and Bhate, N., “Nonwetting of Impinging Droplets on Textured Surfaces,” Applied Physics Letters, 94, 133109, 2009.
Meuler, A. J., Smith, J. D., Varanasi, K. K., Mabry, J. M., McKinley, G. H., and Cohen, R. E., “Relationships between Water Wettability and Ice Adhesion,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2, 3100, 2010
Varanasi, K. K., Deng, T., Smith, J. D., Hsu, M., and Bhate, N., “Frost Formation and Ice Adhesion on Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Applied Physics Letters, 97, 234102, 2010
Kwon, H-M., Paxson, A., Varanasi, K. K., and Patankar, N. A., “Rapid Deceleration Driven Wetting Transition During Pendant Drop Deposition on Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Physical Review Letters, 106, 036102, 2011
Love, C. J., Smith, J. D., Cui, Y., Varanasi, K. K., “Size-dependent Thermal Oxidation of Copper: Single-Step Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanostructures,” RSC Nanoscale, 3, 4972, 2011.
Cui, Y., Paxson, A., Smyth, K., Varanasi, K. K., “Hierarchical Polymeric Textures via Solvent-Induced Phase Transformation: A Single-Step Production of Large-Area Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 394, 8, 2012
Smith, J. D., Meuler, A., Bralower, H., Venkatesan, R., Subramanian, S., Cohen, R. E., McKinley, G. H., Varanasi, K. K., “Hydrate-phobic Surfaces: Fundamental Studies in Clathrate Hydrate Adhesion Reduction,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012
Slocum, Jr., A. H., Cervantes, T. M., Seldin, E. B., Varanasi, K. K., “Analysis and Design of Rolling-Contact Joints for Evaluating Bone Plate Performance”. Accepted to Medical Engineering & Physics, 2012