Judy L. Hoyt
- Dimitri Antoniadis, EECS
- Franz Kartner, EECS
- Jose Menendez, ASU
- Ammar Nayfeh, Masdar Institute
- Ted Lyszczarz, MIT Lincoln Labs
- Jung Yoon, MIT Lincoln Labs
Graduate Students
- Winston Chern, EECS
- Nicole DiLello, EECS
- Eva Polyzoeva, EECS (co-supervised with Prof. Dimitri Antoniadis)
- Jamie Teherani, EECS (co-supervised with Prof. Dimitri Antoniadis)
- Tao Yu, EECS
Research Staff
- Gary Riggott, Research Specialist
- Pouya Hashemi, Post-doctoral Scholar
Support Staff
- Lori McCormick, Administrative Assistant II
P. Hashemi and J.L. Hoyt, “High Hole-Mobility Strained-Ge/Si0.6 Ge0.4 P-MOSFETs With High-K/Metal Gate: Role of Strained-Si Cap Thickness,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, v 33, n 2, p 173-5, Feb. 2012.
S.A. Hadi, A. Nayfeh, P. Hashemi, and J.L. Hoyt, “a-Si/c-Si1-xGex/c-Si heterojunction solar cells,” in International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, SISPAD, pp. 191-194, 2011.
S.A. Hadi, P. Hashemi, A. Nayfeh, and J.L. Hoyt, “Thin-Film a-Si/c-Si1-xGex/c-Si Heterojunction Solar Cells: Design and Material Quality Requirements,” ECS (Electrochemical Society) Transactions, Vol. 41 (4), pp. 3-14, 2011.
S. Paydavosi, K. Aidala, P. Brown, P. Hashemi, G. J. Supran, J. L. Hoyt, and V. Bulovic, “High-Density Charge Storage on Molecular Thin Films- Candidate Materials for High Storage Capacity Memory Cells,” IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM ’11), Washington DC, USA, December 2011.
(Invited) J. Hoyt, P. Hashemi, and W. Chern, “Strained Nanowire MOSFETs,” invited talk presented at the 220th Electrochemical Society (ECS), Session E9-ULSI Process Integration, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, October 2011.
(Invited) Pouya Hashemi, H.-S. Lee, M. A. Bhuiyan, D. A. Antoniadis, and J. L. Hoyt, “High Mobility Strained Ge Channels and Gate Dielectrics for Planar and Non-Planar p-MOSFETs,” Mat. Res. Soc. Meeting, San Francisco, April 27, 2011.
N. A. DiLello and J.L. Hoyt, “Impact of post-metallization annealing on Ge-on-Si photodiodes passivated with silicon dioxide,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 033508 (2011).
Khilo, A; Spector, S.J.; Grein, M.E.; Nejadmalayeri, A.H.; Holzwarth, C.W.; Sander, M.Y.; Dahlem, M.S.; Peng, M.Y.; Geis, M.W.; DiLello, N.A.; Yoon, J.U.; Motamedi, A.; Orcutt, J.S.; Wang, J.P.; Sorace-Agaskar, C.M.; Popovic, M.A.; Jie Sun; Gui-Rong Zhou; Hyunil Byun; Jian Chen; Hoyt, J.L.; Smith, H.I.; Ram, R.J.; Perrott, M.; Lyszczarz, T.M.; Ippen, E.P.; Kartner, F.X, “Photonic ADC: overcoming the bottleneck of electronic jitter”, Optics Express, v 20, n 4, p 4454-69, 21 Nov. 2011.
P. Hashemi, J.T. Teherani, and J.L. Hoyt, “Investigation of Hole Mobility in Gate-All-Around Si Nanowire p-MOSFETs with High-k/Metal-Gate: Effects of Hydrogen Thermal Annealing and Nanowire Shape,” International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM 2010), San Francisco, USA, Session 34.5 December 2010.
P. Hashemi, C.D. Poweleit, M. Canonico, and J.L. Hoyt, “Advanced Strained-Silicon and Core-Shell Si/Si1-xGex Nanowires for CMOS Transport Enhancement,” ECS (Electrochemical Society) Transactions, October 2010.
M. Kim, P. Hashemi, and J.L. Hoyt, Increased critical success for high Ge-content strained SiGe-on Si Using selective epitaxial growth, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 262106, 2010.
L. Gomez, C. Ni Chleirigh, P. Hashemi, and J.L. Hoyt, “Enhanced Hole Mobility in High-Ge Content Asymmetrically Strained-SiGe p-MOSFETs,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 782 – 784, August, 2010.
Guangrui Xia and J.L. Hoyt, “Si-Ge interdiffusion under oxidizing conditions in epitaxial SiGe heterostructures with high compressive stress,” Applied Physics Letters, v 96, n 12, p 122107 (3 pp.), 22 March 2010.
P. Hashemi, M. Kim, J. Hennessy, L. Gomez, D.A. Antoniadis and J.L. Hoyt, “Width-dependent hole mobility in top-down fabricated Si-core/Ge-shell nanowire MOSFETs”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 (6), p. 063109, Feb. 2010.
J.S. Orcutt, A. Khilo, M.A. Popovic, C.W. Holzwarth, H. Li, J. Sun, B. Moss, M.S. Dahlem, E.P. Ippen, J.L. Hoyt, V. Stojanovic, F.X. Kärtner, H.I. Smith, and R.J. Ram, “Photonic integration in a commercial scaled bulk-CMOS process,” Source: 2009 International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS ’09, 2009, 2009 International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS ’09, p. 2.