Jing Kong
- M. Dresselhaus, EECS, MIT
- A. Chandrakasan, EECS, MIT
- T. Palacios, EECS, MIT
- V. Bulovic, EECS, MIT
- P. Jarrillo-Herrero, Physics, MIT
- M. Strano, ChemE, MIT
- K. Gleason, ChemE, MIT
- J. Zhang and Z.F.Liu, Chemistry, Peking University
Graduate Students
- H. Park, Research Assistant, EECS
- A. L. Hsu, Research Assistant, EECS
- Y. Shin, Research Assistant, MSE
- W. Fang, Research Assistant, EECS
- M. Choi, Research Assistant, EECS
- Y. Song, Research Assistant, EECS
- K. Kim, Postdoctoral Researcher
- S. Kim, Postdoctoral Researcher
- S. Jung, Postdoctoral Researcher
Support Staff
- Laura M. von Bosau
Hootan Farhat, Stephane Berciaud, Martin Kalbac, Riichiro Saito, Tony F. Heinz, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, and Jing Kong, “Observation of Electronic Raman Scattering in Metallic Carbon Nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 157401 (2011).
Kyeong-Jae Lee, Masood Qazi, Jing Kong, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, “Low-Swing Signaling on Monolithically Integrated Global Graphene Interconnects,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol .57, Issue 12, pp. 3418-3425, Dec 2010.
Hyesung Park,Jill A. Rowehl, Ki Kang Kim, Vladimir Bulovic, and Jing Kong, “Doped graphene electrodes for organic solar cells,” Nanotechnology, 21 505204, 6 pages, 2010.
Sreekar Bhaviripudi, Xiaoting Jia, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, and Jing Kong, “Role of Kinetic Factors in Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis of Uniform Large Area Graphene Using Copper Catalyst,” Nano Letters, pp. 4128–4133, September 2, 2010.
Yumeng Shi, Christoph Hamsen, Xiaoting Jia, Ki Kang Kim, Alfonso Reina, Mario Hofmann, Allen Long Hsu, Kai Zhang, Henan Li, Zhen-Yu Juang, Mildred. S. Dresselhaus, Lain-Jong Li, and Jing Kong, “Synthesis of Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride Thin Film by Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Nano Letters, pp. 4034-4039, September 2, 2010.
Ki Kang Kim, Alfonso Reina, Yumeng, Shi, Hyesung Park, Lain-Jong Li, Young Hee Lee, Jing Kong, “Enhancing the conductivity of transparent graphene films via doping”, Nanotechnology, Vol. 21, Issue: 28, Article Number 285205, 6 pages, July 2010).
Liming Xie, Shin G. Chou, Ajay Pande, Jayanti Pande, Jin Zhang, Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Jing Kong, Zhongfan Liu, “Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Probing the Denaturation of Lysozyme”, J. of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 114, Issue 17, pp. 7717-7720, May 2010.
Yumeng Shi, Ki Kang Kim, Alfonso Reina, Mario Hofmann, Lain-Jong Li, Jing Kong, “Work function engineering of graphene electrode via chemical doping,” ACS Nano, vol 4, 2689-2694, 2010.
Thiele, S, Reina, A, Healey, P, Kedzierski, J, Wyatt, P, Hsu, PL, Keast, C, Schaefer, J, Kong, J, “Engineering polycrystalline Ni films to improve thickness uniformity of the chemical-vapor-deposition-grown graphene films”, Nanotechnology, vol 21, Art. No. 015601, 2010.