Jeffrey H. Lang
- M.G. Allen, Georgia Inst. of Tech.
- J.G. Brisson, MIT
- V. Bulovic, MIT
- J. L. Kirtley, Jr, MIT
- D. J. Perreault, MIT
- A.H. Slocum, MIT
- C.R. Sullivan, Dartmouth
- M.S. Triantafyllou, MIT
- D.L. Trumper, MIT
- E.N. Wang, MIT
Graduate Students
- M. Araghchini, EECS
- K. Cao, EECS
- S. Chang, EECS
- M. E. D’Asaro, EECS
- N. Farve, EECS
- S. Hou, EECS
- F. Niroui, EECS
- M. Woo, MSE
Postdoctoral Associate
- A. Wang, MTL & RLE
Support Staff
- D. Bizi, Admin. Asst. I
A. Murarka, C. Packard, F. Yaul, J. H. Lang and V. Bulovic; Micro-contact printed MEMS; Proceedings: IEEE Workshop on Microelectromechanical Systems, 292-295, Cancun, Mexico, January 23-27, 2011.
M. Ryou, P. Cantillon-Murphy, D. Azagury, S. N. Shaikh, G. Ha, I. Greenwalt, M. B. Ryan, J. H. Lang and C. C. Thompson; Smart self-assembling magnets for endoscopy (SAMSEN) for transoral endoscopic creation of immediate gastrojejunostomy (with video); Gastro-intestinal Endoscopy, 73, 353-359, February 2011.
A. Sprunt, A. H. Slocum and J. H. Lang; Fracture fabrication of precision single-crystal silicon surfaces for MEMS devices; Precision Engineering, 35, 406-415, July 2011.
J. M. Allison, W. L. Staats, M. McCarthy, D. Jenicek, A. K. Edoh, J. H. Lang, E. N. Wang and J. G. Brisson; Enhancement of convective heat transfer in an air-cooled heat exchanger using interdigitated impeller blades; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Online at doi: 10.1016/j.ij-heatmasstransfer.2011.06.023, July 2011.
M. D. Ilic and J. H. Lang; Complexity of voltage and reactive power dispatch in control centers: from analysis to on-line decision making; Proceedings: IEEE PES General Meeting, Paper 2011GM0998, Detroit, MI, July 24-29, 2011.
V. I. Fernandez, A. Maertens, F. M. Yaul, J. Dahl, J. H. Lang, and M. S. Triantafyllou; Lateral-line inspired sensor arrays for navigation and object identification; Marine Technology Society Journal, 45, 130-146, July/August 2011.
V. I. Fernandez, J. Dusek, J. Schulmeister, A. Maartens, S. Hou, K. Srivatsa, J. Dahl, J. H. Lang and M. S. Triantafyllou; Pressure sensor arraysto optimize high-speed performance of ocean vehicles; Proceedings: 11th International Conference of Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2011), Honolulu, HI, September 2011.
S. Sato, S. Jovanovic, J. H. Lang and Z. S. Spakovszky; Demonstration of a palm-sized 30-Watt air-to-power turbine generator; ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133, #102301/1-10, October, 2011.
M. Ilic, J. H. Lang, E. Litvinov, X. Luo, J. Tong, B. Fardanesh and G. Stefopoulos; Toward the Coordinated Voltage-Control-Enabled HV Smart Grids; Proceedings: IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe), Manchester, UK, December 5-7, 2011.
S. Paydavosi, F. M. Yaul, A. I. Wang, F. Niroui, T. L. Andrew, V. Bulovic and J. H. Lang; MEMS switches employing active metal-polymer nanocomposites; Proceedings: IEEE Workshop on Micro-electromechanical Systems, 180-183, Paris, France, January 29 – February 2, 2012.
A. Murarka, S. Paydavosi, T. L. Andrew, A. I. Wang, J. H. Lang and V. Bulovic; Printed MEMS membranes on silicon; Proceedings: IEEE Workshop on Microelectromech-anical Systems, 309-312, Paris, France, January 29 – February 2, 2012.
F. M. Yaul, V. Bulovic and J. H. Lang; A flexible underwater pressure sensor array using a conductive elastomer strain gauge; Proceedings: IEEE Workshop on Micro-electromechanical Systems, 500-503, Paris, France, January 29 – February 2, 2012.
T. B. Peters, H. A. Kariya, D. F. Hanks, W. Staats, J. Allison, D. Jenicek, M. Cleary, M. McCarthy, J. H. Lang, J. G. Brisson and E. N. Wang; Fabrication and characterization of a high-performance air-cooled heat exchanger with an integrated multi-condenser heat pipe; Proceedings: 37th GOMACTech Conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 19-22, 2012.
F. M. Yaul, V. Bulovic and J. H. Lang; A flexible underwater pressure sensor array using a conductive elastomer strain gauge; IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromech-anical Systems. Accepted.