Caroline A. Ross
- H.I. Smith
- C.V Thompson
- E.L. Thomas
- Y. Shao-Horn
- K.K. Berggren
- A. Alexander-Katz
- L.C. Kimerling
- G. Dionne (Lincoln Lab)
- J. Borchers (NIST)
- A. Adeyeye (Nat. Univ. Singapore)
- W.C. Choi (Nat. Univ. Singapore)
- J.Y. Cheng (IBM)
- M. Vazquez (Madrid)
- J.L. Vicent (Madrid)
- Dr Dong Hun Kim
- Dr Hong Kyoon Kim
- Dr Juan Manuel Florez
- Dr Larysa Tryputen
- Dr Karim Aissou
Graduate Students
- Kevin Gotrik
- Mark Mascaro
- Adam Hannon
- Nicholas Aimon
- Frank Liu
- Mehmet Onbasli
- Jean Anne Currivan
- Jin Young Kim
- Jinshuo Zhang
Support Staff
- G. Joseph, Administrative Assistant II
Effect of the exchange bias coupling strength on the magnetoimpedance of IrMn/NiFe films, C. Garcia, J. M. Florez, P. Vargas, and C. A. Ross, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07D735 (2011).
Spectral Origins of Large Faraday Rotation at 1.5-mm Wavelength from Fe and Co in SrTiO3 Films, Gerald F. Dionne, Lei Bi, H.-S. Kim and C.A. Ross, J. Appl. Phys. 109 07B761 (2011).
Highly tunable self-assembled nanostructures from a poly(2-vinylpyridine-b-dimethylsiloxane) block copolymer, Jae Won Jeong, Woon Ik Park, Mi-Jeong Kim, C. A. Ross, and Yeon Sik Jung, Nano Letts. 11 (10), pp 4095–4101 (2011).
360-degree domain wall-mediated reversal in rhombic multilayer magnetic rings, Mark D. Mascaro, Helmut S. Körner*, Chunghee Nam, Bryan G. Ng, and C. A. Ross, APL 98, 252506 (2011).
Magnetoelastic effects in SrTi1−xMxO3 (M = Fe, Co, or Cr) epitaxial thin films, Dong Hun Kim, Lei Bi, Peng Jiang, Gerald F. Dionne, C.A. Ross, Phys. Rev. B 84 014416 (2011).
Enhancement of the magnetooptical performance of Sr(Ti0.6-xGaxFe0.4)O3 perovskite films by Ga substitution, Dong Hun Kim, Peng Jiang, Lei Bi, Gerald F. Dionne, C.A. Ross, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 231909 (2011).
Ferromagnetism in Single Crystal and Nanocomposite Sr(Ti,Fe)O3 Epitaxial Films, Hyun-Suk Kim, Lei Bi, Dong Hun Kim, Dae-Jin Yang, Yoon Jeong Choi, Jung Woo Lee, Jeung Ku Kang, Yun Chang Park, Gerald F. Dionne, and Caroline A. Ross, J. Mater. Chem. 21, 10364-10369 (2011).
Domain Wall Induced Magnetoresistance in a Superconductor/Ferromagnet Nanowire, G.X. Miao, M.D. Mascaro, Chunghee Nam, C.A. Ross, J.S. Moodera, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 032501 (2011).
Highly Ordered Square Arrays from a Templated ABC Triblock Terpolymer, Jeong Gon Son, Jessica Gwyther, Jae-Byum Chang, Karl K. Berggren, Ian Manners, and Caroline A. Ross, Nano Lett. 11 2849-55 (2011).
Angular dependence of ferromagnetic resonance and magnetization configuration of thin film permalloy nanoellipse arrays, M. Pardavi-Horvath, B.G. Ng, F. J. Castaño, H.S. Körner, C. Garcia, C.A. Ross, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 053921 (2011).
On-chip optical isolation in monolithically integrated nonreciprocal optical resonators, Lei Bi, Juejun Hu, Peng Jiang, Dong Hun Kim, Gerald F. Dionne, Lionel C. Kimerling and C. A. Ross, Nature Photonics 5, 758–762 (2011).
Magnetic pinning of the flux lattice in superconducting-nanomagnet hybrids, D. Perez de Lara, F. J. Castaño, B. G. Ng, H. S. Körner, R. K. Dumas, E. M. Gonzalez, Kai Liu, C. A. Ross, Ivan K. Schuller and J. L. Vicent, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 182509 (2011).
Block copolymer assembly of sub-10 nm patterns with mixed morphology and period Using Electron Irradiation and Solvent Annealing, Jeong Gon Son,Jae-Byum Chang,Karl B. Berggren, and Caroline A. Ross, Nano Letters 11 (11), pp 5079–5084 (2011).
Magnetic Frustration in Circular Arrays of Dipoles, Seungha Yoon, Youngman Jang, Chunghee Nam, Jean Anne Currivan, B. K. Cho, and C. A. Ross, IEEE Magnetics Letters 3 4000104 1-4 (2012).
Comparative study of magnetization reversal process between rectangular and circular thin film rings, G. Shimon, A. O. Adeyeye, and C. A. Ross, J. Appl. Phys. 111 013909 (2012).
The role of deposition conditions on the structure and magnetic properties of SrTixFe1-xO3 films, Dong Hun Kim, Nicolas M. Aimon, Lei Bi, Gerald F. Dionne, C.A. Ross, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A918 (2012).
Combinatorial pulsed laser deposition of Fe, Cr, Mn and Ni-substituted SrTiO3 filmson Si substrates, Dong Hun Kim, Lei Bi, Nicolas Aimon, Peng Jiang, Gerald F. Dionne, and C. A. Ross, ACS Combinatorial Science 14 179-190 (2012).
Formation and structure of 360 and 540 degree domain walls in thin magnetic stripes, Youngman Jang, S.R. Bowden, Mark Mascaro, J. Unguris, C.A. Ross, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 062407 (2012).
Deposition of epitaxial BiFeO3/CoFe2O4 nanocomposites on (001) SrTiO3 by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition, by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition, Nicolas M. Aimon, Dong Hun Kim, Hong Kyoon Choi, and C. A. Ross, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 092901 (2012).
Low Energy Magnetic Domain Wall Logic in Short, Narrow Ferromagnetic Wires, Jean Anne Currivan, Youngman Jang, Mark D. Mascaro, Marc A. Baldo, and Caroline A. Ross, IEEE Magnetics Letters 3 3000104 (2012).
Aligned Sub-10-nm Block Copolymer Patterns Templated by Post Arrays, Jae-Byum Chang, Jeong Gon Son, Adam F. Hannon, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Caroline A. Ross, and Karl K. Berggren, ACS Nano (2012).
Current-driven domain wall motion in heterostructured ferromagnetic nanowires, Youngman Jang, Mark D. Mascaro, G. S. D. Beach, and C. A. Ross, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 112401 (2012).
A.T.K. Ghariehali, K.W. Gotrik, A.F. Hannon, A. Alexander-Katz, C.A. Ross, K. K. Berggren, “Templating Three-Dimensional Self-Assembled Structures in Bilayer Block Copolymer Films” Science (in Press, 2012).
Monolithic Integration of Chalcogenide glass/Iron Garnet Waveguides and Resonators for On-chip Nonreciprocal Photonic Devices, Lei Bi, Juejun Hu, Gerald F. Dionne, Lionel Kimerling and C. A. Ross, Proc. SPIE 7941, 794105 (2011).
Magnetoelastic Effects in Nanostructures, J.I. Arnaudas, A. Badia-Majós, L. Berbil-Bautista, M. Bode, F.J. Castaño, M. Ciria, C. de la Fuente, J.L. Diez-Ferrer, S. Krause, B.G. Ng, R.C. O’Handley, C.A. Ross and R. Wiesendanger, Solid State Phenomena Vols. 168-169 (2011) pp 177-184.