V. Michael Bove, Jr.
- Nasser Peyghambarian, University of Arizona
Graduate Students
- S. Alfaro, Research Assistant, MAS
- J. Barabas, Research Assistant, MAS
- D. Cranor, Research Assistant, MAS
- S. Jolly, Research Assistant, MAS
- E. Portocarrero, Research Assistant, MAS
- D. Smalley, Research Assistant, MAS
Support Staff
- K. Hall, Administrative Assistant II
V.M. Bove, Jr., “Holographic television: what and when?” SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, to appear 2011.
J. Barabas, S. Jolly, D.E. Smalley, and V.M. Bove, Jr., “Diffraction specific coherent panoramagrams of real scenes,“ Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXV, v. 7957, p. 795702, 2011.
Q.Y.J. Smithwick, J. Barabas, D.E. Smalley, and V.M. Bove, Jr., “Interactive holographic stereograms with accommodation cues,” Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXIV, v. 7619, p. 761903, 2010.
Q.Y.J. Smithwick, J. Barabas, D.E. Smalley, and V.M. Bove, Jr., “Real-time shader rendering of holographic stereograms,” Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXIII, v. 7233, p. 723302, 2009.
B.T. Taylor and V.M. Bove, Jr., “Graspables: grasp-recognition as a user interface,” Proc. ACM CHI 2009, 2009.
S. A. Benton and V. M. Bove. Jr., Holographic Imaging, Wiley, New York, 2008.
Q. Y. J. Smithwick, D. E. Smalley, V. M. Bove, Jr., and J. Barabas, “Progress in Holographic Video Displays Based on Guided-Wave Acousto-Optic Devices,” Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXII, 6912, 69120H, 2008.
D. E. Smalley, Q. Y. J. Smithwick, and V. M. Bove, Jr., “Holographic Video Display Based on Guided-Wave Acousto-Optic Devices,” Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXI, 6488, 64880L, 2007.
W. Plesniak, M. Halle, V. M. Bove, Jr., J. Barabas, and R. Pappu, ”Reconfigurable Image Projection (RIP) Holograms,” Optical Engineering, 45, 115801, Nov. 2006.