Tomás Palacios
- D. Antoniadis, MIT
- J. del Alamo, MIT
- P. Jarillo-Herrero, MIT
- D. Jena, University of Notre Dame
- J. Kong, MIT
- U. K. Mishra, University of California – Santa Barbara
- E. Monroy, CEA-Grenoble, France
- E. Munoz, ETSIT-UPM, Spain
- D. Perreault, MIT
- C. Thompson, MIT
- H. Xing, University of Notre Dame
Visiting Scientists
- M. Azize, Post Doc, France
- H.-S. Lee, Post Doc, South Korea
- E. Matioli, Post Doc, Brazil
Graduate Students
- F. Gao, Res. Asst.
- A. Hsu, Res. Asst.
- D. S. Lee, Res. Asst.
- B. Lu, Res. Asst.
- B. Mailly, Res. Asst.
- M. Medlock, Res. Asst.
- D. Piedra, Res. Asst.
- O. I. Saadat, Res. Asst.
- M. Sun, Res. Asst.
- H. Wang, Res. Asst.
- X. Zhang, Res. Asst.
Undergraduate Student
- B. Jain
Support Staff
- E. Kubicki, Admin. Asst. II
Chung, J.W., W. E. Hoke, E. M. Chumbes, and T. Palacios, “AlGaN/GaN HEMT with 300-GHz fmax,” Electron Dev. Letts., vol. 31, pp. 195-197, 2010.
Lu, B., E. L. Piner, and T. Palacios, “Schottky Drain Technology for High Voltage AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si Substrates,” Electron Dev. Letts., vol. 31, pp. 302-304, 2010.
Wang, H., J. W. Chung, X. Gao, S. Guo, and T. Palacios, “Al2O3 Passivated InAlN/GaN HEMTs on SiC Substrate with Record Current Density and Transconductance,” Physica Status Solidi (c), vol. 7, pp. 2440-2444, 2010.
Palacios, T., A. Hsu, and H. Wang, “Applications of Graphene Devices in RF Communications,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 48, pp. 122-128, 2010 (Invited).
Simms, R. J. T., F. Gao, Y. Pei, T. Palacios, U. K. Mishra, and M. Kuball, “Electric Field Distribution in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Investigated by Electroluminescence,” Appl. Phys. Letts., vol. 97, 033502, 2010.
Joh, J., F. Gao, T. Palacios, and J. A. del Alamo, “A model for the critical voltage for electrical degradation of GaN high electron mobility transistors,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 50, pp. 676-773, 2010.
Wang, H., A. Hsu, J. Wu, J. Kong, and T. Palacios, “Graphene-based Ambipolar RF Mixers,” Electron Dev. Letts., vol. 31, pp. 906-908, 2010.
Azize, M., and T. Palacios, “Effect of substrate-induced strain in the transport properties of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures,” J. of Appl. Phys., vol. 108, 023707, 2010.
Makaram, P., J. Joh, J. del Alamo, T. Palacios, and C. V. Thompson, “Evolution of Structural Defects Associated with Electrical Degradation in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,” Appl. Phys. Letts, vol. 96, 233509, 2010.
Lu, B. and T. Palacios, “High Breakdown (>1500 V) AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by Substrate-Transfer Technology,” Electron Dev. Letts., vol. 31, pp. 951-953, 2010.
Lu, B., O. I. Saadat and T. Palacios, “High-Performance Integrated Dual-Gate AlGaN/GaN Enhancement-Mode Transistor,” Electron Dev. Letts., vol. 31, pp. 990-992, 2010.
Tirado, J. M., D. Nezich, X. Zhao, J. W. Chung, J. Kong, and T. Palacios, “Study of Transport Properties in Graphene Monolayer Flakes on SiO2 Substrates,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, vol. 28 (6), pp. C6D11-14, 2010.
Palacios, T., “Graphene Ambipolar Electronics,” Recent Advances in Graphene and Related Materials, Singapore, 1-6 August 2010. (Invited)
Palacios, T., “GaN Transistors: Revolutionizing Electronics from Terahertz to Kilovolts,” International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN-2010), Tampa, FL, 19-24 September 2010. (Invited, Plenary)
Palacios, T., “Future of GaN Electronics,” European Microwave Week, CNIT, Paris, France, 26 September – 1 October 2010. (Invited)
Ryu, K., J. W. Chung, B. Lu, and T. Palacios, “Wafer Bonding Technology in Nitride Semiconductors for Applications in Energy and Communications,” 218th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Las Vegas, NV, 11-15 October 2010. (Invited)
Wang, H. A. Hsu, K. Kang Kim, J. Kong, and T. Palacios, “Gigahertz Ambipolar Frequency Multipliers based on CVD Graphene,” Proc. Of the International Electron Device Meeting, pp. 572-575, San Francisco, CA (2010).
Chung, J. W., T.-W. Kim, and T. Palacios, “Advanced Gate Technologies for State-of-the-art fT in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,” Proc. Of the International Electron Device Meeting, pp. 676-679, San Francisco, CA (2010).