Theses Awarded, 2010-2011
- Achelengwa, E. (J. A. del Alamo), “iLabs: Online AM Modulation and Demodulation Lab for 6.002”
- Aude, D. (K. K. Berggren), “Modeling Superconductors using Surface Impedance Techniques”
- Oyebode, O. (J. A. del Alamo), “Redesign of the iLab NI-ELVIS Client Interface”
- Gao, F. (T. A. Palacios), “New Technologies to assess the reliability of GaN Transistors”
- Ha, S. (A. P. Chandrakasan), “A Malaria-Diagnostic System Based On Electric Impedance Spectroscopy”
- Jenicek, D. (J. H. Lang), “Design of Low-Power Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor for Use in High-Density Heat Pump”
- Lee, S. (A. P. Chandrakasan and H.-S. Lee), “A Zero-Crossing Based Pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converter With Supply Voltage Scalability”
- Lee, J. H. (D. S. Boning), “An On-Chip Test Circuit For Characterization of MEMS Resonators”
- Leu, J. C. (V. M. Stojanovic), “A 9GHz Injection Locked Loop Optical Clock Receiver in 32-nm CMOS”
- Nadeau, P. M. (A. P. Chandrakasan), “Multi-Channel Ultra-Low-Power Receiver Architecture For Body Area Networks”
- Paidimarri, A. (A. P. Chandrakasan), “Architecture For Ultra-Low Power Multi-Channel Transmitters For Body Area Networks Using RF Resonators”
- Park, S. H. (L-S. Peh), “Low-Swing Signaling For Energy Efficient On-Chip Networks”
- Piedra, D. (T. A. Palacios), “Development of Gallium Nitride Power Transistors ”
- Polyzoeva, E. A. (D. A. Antoniadis), “Hole Mobility In Strained Ge/Relaxed SiGe With A High-k/Metal Gate Stack”
- Rahman, T. (D. S. Boning), “Competitive Pricing and Learning in CPU Sockets”
- Saadat, O. I. (T. A. Palacios), “Self-Aligned AlGaN/GaN Transistors for Sub-mm Wave Applications”
- Srinivasan, A. (D. S. Boning), “Application of Information Technology and Statistical Process Control in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance & Compliance”
- Wicks, S. (B. L. Wardle), “Mechanical Enhancement of Woven Composites with Radially Aligned Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs): Investigation of Mode I Fracture Toughness”
- Yu, L. (D. S. Boning), “A Study of Through-Silicon-Via (TSV) Induced Transistor Variation”
- An, W. (V. M. Stojanovic), “Complete VLSI Implementation of Improved Low Complexity Chase Reed-Solomon Decorders”
- Araghchini, M. (L. A. Kolodziejski), “Efficient Silicon Micro-Reactors For Thermophotovoltaic Applications”
- GoGwilt, C. (D. S. Boning), “The Effects of Feature Geometry on Simulating Nanoimprint Lithography”
- Snella, M. (K. K. Berggren), “Drift Correction for Scanning-Electron Microscopy”
- Zhu, J. (H. L. Tuller), “An Evaluation of the Hydrogen Economy and Metal Oxide Based Photo-electrochemical Cells”
- Alf, M. (K. K. Gleason), “Functional and Responsive Surfaces via Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)”
- Chan, C. W. I. (Q. Hu), “Characterization and Analysis of Highly Diagonal Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers”
- Chen, A. A. (S. N. Bhatia), “Engineering Humanized Mice with Implantable Hepatic Tissues”
- Chow, A. C.-H. (H.-S. Lee), “A Time-Interleaved Zero-Crossing-Based Analog-To-Digital Converter”
- Chu, Y. J. (H.-S. Lee), “High Performance Zero-Crossing Based Pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converters”
- Chung, J. W. (T. A. Palacios), “Millimeter-Wave GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors and Their Integration With Silicon Electronics”
- Gogineni, U. (J. A. del Alamo), “Performance Limits of RF Power CMOS”
- Hashemi, P. (J. L. Hoyt), “Gate-All-Around Silicon Nanowire MOSFETs: Top-down Fabrication And Transport Enhancement Techniques”
- Jung, W. C. (H. L. Tuller), “Model Thin Film SrTi1-xFexO3-δ Mixed Conducting Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Correlation between Performance and Transport Properties and Surface Chemistry”
- Kim, M. (J. L. Hoyt), “Limited-Area Growth of Ge and SiGe on Si”
- Kovac, J. R. (J. Voldman), “Inexpensive Technologies Enabling Widespread Utilization of Image-predicated Cell Sorting”
- Lajevardi, P. (A. P. Chandrakasan and H.-S. Lee), “Design and Analysis of Reconfigurable Analog System”
- Mittal, N. M. (J. Voldman), “Cell-Cell and Cell-Medium Interactions in the Growth of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells”
- Song, S. (V. M. Stojanovic), “Fractionally Spaced Equalization For High Speed Links”
- Vahey, M. D. (J. Voldman), “A Microfluidic Platform for the Genome-Wide Analysis of Electrical Phenotype: Physical Theories and Biological Applications”
- von Maltzahn, G. (S. N. Bhatia), “A Systems Approach to Engineering Cancer Nanotechnologies”
- Xu, J. (K. K. Gleason), “Amine Functionalization by Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)”