Progress in Guided-wave Devices for Holographic Video Display
We seek to fabricate massively parallel waveguide lithium niobate spatial light modulators as an enabling technology for the next generation of large holographic video displays. Holo-video displays based on acousto-optic (AO) modulators currently use 20 channels or fewer per AO device. We are fabricating devices with 480 channels on a single substrate with each channel modulating light at 50 MHz bandwidth for a total of 48 Gpixels/sec of modulation, which is sufficient for VGA resolution, horizontal-parallax-only displays of one meter or more in width.
- Figure 1: A device undergoing testing.
- Figure 2: Diagram of our device.
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- D. E. Smalley, Q. Y. J. Smithwick, and V. M. Bove, Jr., “Holographic video display based on guided-wave acousto-optic devices,” in Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXI, vol. 6488, p. 64880L, 2007.
- Q. Y. J. Smithwick, J. Barabas, D. E. Smalley, and V. M. Bove, Jr., “Real-time shader rendering of holographic stereograms,” in Proc. SPIE Practical Holography XXIII, vol. 7233, p. 723302, 2009.