Scott Manalis
- A. Amon, MIT
- T. Burg, MPI
- J. Foster, IMT
- A. Grossman, MIT
- S. Jiang, Univ of Washington
- M. Kirschner, Harvard
- P. Mallick, USC
- D. Sabatini, MIT
Postdoctoral Associates
- W. Grover, BE
- S. Knudsen, BE
- S. Olcum, BE
- S. Byun, BE
Graduate students
- A. Bryan, BE
- N. Cermak, CSB
- N. Chou, BE
- F. Delgado, BE
- A. Gulati, BE
- V. Hecht, BE
- J. Shaw, BE
- S. Son, ME
- M. Stevents, Biology
- Y.C. Weng, BE
Research Staff
- K. Payer, Research Specialist
Support Staff
- M. Murray
J. Lee, R. Chunara, W. Shen, K. Payer, K. Babcock, T. Burg, S.R. Manalis. Suspended microchannel resonators with piezoresistive sensors. Lab on a Chip 2011; 11 645-651.
J. Lee, W. Shen, K. Payer, T. Burg, S.R. Manalis. Toward attogram mass measurements in solution with suspended nanochannel resonators. Nano Letters 2010; 10 2537-2542.
M. Godin, F.F. Delgado, S. Son, W.H. Grover, A.K. Bryan, A. Tzur, P. Jorgensen, K. Payer, A.D. Grossman, M.W. Kirschner and S.R. Manalis. Using buoyant mass to measure the growth of single cells. Nature Methods 2010; 7 387-391.
J.E. Sader, T.P. Burg, S.R. Manalis. Energy dissipation in microfluidic beam resonators. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2010; 650 215-250.
M.G. von Muhlen, N.D. Brault, S.M. Knudsen, S. Jiang, S.R. Manalis. Label-Free Biomarker Sensing in Undiluted Serum with Suspended Microchannel Resonators, Analytical Chemistry 2010; 82 1905-1910.
A. K. Bryan, A. Goranov, A. Amon, S. R. Manalis. Measurement of mass, density, and volume of yeast through the cell cycle. PNAS 2010; 107 (3) 999-1004.
P. Dextras, T.P. Burg, S.R. Manalis. Integrated Measurement of the Mass and Surface Charge of Discrete Microparticles Using a Suspended Microchannel Resonator. Analytical Chemistry. 2009; 81(11), 4517-4523.
T.P. Burg, J.E. Sader, S.R. Manalis. Non-Monotonic Energy Dissipation in Microfluidic Resonators. Physical Review Letters. 2009; 102 (22), 228103.
S.M. Knudsen, M.G. von Muhlen, D.B. Schauer, S.R. Manalis. Determination of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Based on Osmotic Shock Response. Analytical Chemistry 2009; 81(16), 7087-7090.
S. Son, W.H. Grover, T.P. Burg, S.R. Manalis. Suspended microchannel resonators for ultra-low volume universal detection. Analytical Chemistry. 2008; 80 4757-4760.
W.H. Grover, M. von Muhlen, S.R. Manalis. Teflon films for chemically-inert microfluidic valves and pumps. Lab on a Chip. 2008; 8 913-918.
T.M. Squires, R.J. Messinger, S.R. Manalis. Making it stick: convection, reaction, and diffusion in surface based biosensors. Nature Biotechnology. 2008; 26 417-426.
R. Chunara, M. Godin, S. M. Knudsen, S.R. Manalis. Mass-based readout for agglutination assays. Applied Physics Letters. 2007; 91 193902.
M. Godin, A.K. Bryan, T. Burg, and S.R. Manalis, Measuring the mass, density and size of particles and cells using a suspended microchannel resonator. Applied Physics Letters. 2007; 91 123121.
T.P. Burg M.Godin, W. Shen, G. Carlson, J.S. Foster, K. Babcock, and S.R. Manalis. Weighing of Biomolecules, Single Cells, and Single Nanoparticles in Fluid. Nature 2007; 446 1066-1069.
J. Hou, M. Godin, K. Payer, R. Chakrabarti, S.R. Manalis. Integrated Microelectronic Device for Label-free Nucleic Acid Amplification and Detection. Lab on a Chip 2007; 7 347-354.