MIT-MTL Center for Graphene Devices and Systems
The MIT/MTL Center for Graphene Devices and Systems (MIT-CG) brings together, MIT researchers and industrial partners to advance the science and engineering of graphene-based technologies.
The center explores advanced technologies and strategies that enable graphene-based materials, devices and systems to provide discriminating or break-through capabilities for a variety of system applications ranging from energy generation and smart fabrics and materials, to RF communications and sensing. The MIT-CG supports the development of the science, technology, tools and analysis for the creation of a vision for the future of graphene-enabled systems.
Membership privileges for MIT-CG include:
Stay abreast of research developments in graphene
• Webcast of seminars
• Complimentary attendance to meetings
• Facilitated access to IP
Interact with students and faculty at MIT-GC events
• Industry Focus Day
• Resume book of graduating students
Participate in working groups of leading companies and researchers in defining the path forward for graphene
• Timely white papers on key issues
Collaborate with leading researchers on research that addresses today’s challenges
• Direct student projects on modeling in support of working group activities
• Pre-competitive teaming