Paul Penfield

Paul Penfield, Jr.

D. C. Jackson Professor of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT. Affiliated with the Microsystems Technology Laboratories.

Meet my family . . .

Penfield Family    

Standing, left to right: Michael, Stephen, Paul, Barbara, Becky, David.
Middle row: John, Joshua, Russell, Aaron, Joan, Patty.
Front row: Carol, Andy, Emilia, Asa, Paul, Scott, Cameron.
Missing: Craig.

Photo taken August 20, 1999.

Grandchildren grow up fast

Standing: Aaron
Seated (from left): Russell, Joshua,
    Scott, Andy, Paul, Emilia, Asa

Photo taken August 18, 2000


      Penfield Grandchildren

Penfield Family


The family keeps growing

Standing, left to right: Joan, John, Aaron, Stephen, Craig, Joshua,
    Paul, David, Michael, Becky.
Middle: The bride and groom, Cameron and Andrew.
Seated: Molly, Shaely (on mother's lap), Carol, Barbara, Patty.
Front row: Russell, Emilia, Asa, Andy, Scott, Paul.

June 25, 2005, at Cameron and Andrew's wedding in Brooklyn.

Barbara Penfield   

Barbara B. Penfield

Barbara is my wife, shown here in 1995 with grandchild Paul P. Jonas. In 1998 she retired from her position as a contract administrator at Analog Devices, Inc.

For several years she sung with The Spectrum Singers, a highly acclaimed chamber singing group based in Cambridge. She currently serves on their Board.

We were married in 1989, and live in Weston, MA.

I brought three (grown-up) kids to our merged family, and she brought four. Here are our children, in chronological order, along with their children. The photographs below were taken at Cameron and Andrew's wedding, June 25, 2005.

David Penfield    Rebecca Bronson   

Dave is a software engineer at Cohu, Inc., a manufacturer of integrated circuit test handling equipment. Becky is a biologist and is the owner and operator of Beyond Bliss Yoga Center in Chelmsford, MA. In the past both have been members of the ski patrol at Nashoba Valley.

Dave and Becky live in Westford, MA with their two sons Andy and Scott.

David W.
Rebecca E.

Andy and Scott Penfield     Andrew B. Penfield (left),
and Scott A. Penfield

John Lory and family     John A. Lory (left) and Joan E. Jouriles
with Joshua N. Lory (left), and Asa J. Lory (right)

John holds a research position in soil science at the University of Missouri, Columbia, and specializes in manure management. Joan is an expert in horticulture and has enjoyed teaching about plants to school children. They live in Columbia, MO with their two sons Joshua and Asa.

Patricia and Craig Jonas

Patricia P. Jonas and Craig C. Jonas

Patty and Craig graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1995. Patty specialized in pediatrics and after leaving the U. S. Army worked at Reston Pediatrics in Reston, VA. Craig specializes in radiology, and served as Chief of Radiology, Dewitt Army Hospital Network and later in private practice in northern Virginia. He is now with a group practice in Colorado. They live in Lakewood, CO with their son Paul.

Paul Jonas . . Paul P. Jonas

Stephen Lory and family     Aaron M. Lory, Shaely Sullivan, Stephen R. Lory,
and Molly Sullivan (left - right)

Stephen graduated from Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, in 1995, and taught high school mathematics in Healdsburg, CA, where his son Aaron lives. In 2005 Stephen moved to Arcata, CA near his daughter Shaely and her mother Molly.

Carol Topp

Russell F. Topp, Carol F. Topp, and Emilia S. Topp (left - right)

Carol, a biologist, works for CCS Associates, Inc. in their Virginia office. She lives in Vienna, VA with her two children Russell and Emilia.

Michael Penfield Michael B. Penfield

Mike attended Carleton College and the University of Minnesota. He lives in St. Paul, MN, and enjoys ping pong and serious Scrabble tournaments (he is listed in the ratings of the National Scrabble Association).

Cameron Lory Cameron Lory

Cameron L. Faulds and Andrew J. Faulds

Cameron graduated from the Massachusetts College of Art in 1991 and the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York in 1997. She works in the field of environmental building design in New York City. Andrew works in construction management in New York City. They live in Brooklyn, NY.

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Created: Dec 9, 1994  |  Modified: Jul 5, 2006
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