These notes, for the Spring 2013 offering, will be placed here as revised
during the semester.
Notes for earlier offerings are available also:
Spring 2003,
Note that these notes are still under development. We would appreciate
learning of any errors, and
would be pleased to receive suggestions for improvements. Please use the
comment form linked below.
Preface (version 1.7)
Chapter 1. Bits (version 1.7)
Chapter 2.
Codes (version 1.7)
Detail: ASCII
Detail: Integer Codes
Detail: The Genetic Code
Detail: IP Addresses
Detail: Morse Code
Transcribing RNA to
Chapter 3.
Compression (version 1.7)
Detail: LZW Compression
Detail: 2-D Discrete Cosine Transformation
MP3 Demonstration
Chapter 4.
Errors (version 1.7)
Detail: Check Digits
Chapter 5.
Probability (version 1.7)
Detail: Life Insurance
Detail: Efficient Source Code
Chapter 6.
Communications (version 1.7)
Detail: Communication System Requirements
Chapter 7. Processes (version 1.7)
Chapter 8. Inference (version 1.7)
Chapter 9. Principle of Maximum Entropy (version 1.7)
Chapter 10. Physical Systems (version 1.7)
Chapter 11. Energy (version 1.7)
Chapter 12. Temperature (version 1.7)
Chapter 13. Quantum Information (version 1.7)
These notes Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology