. . . . . . . . Talk 4, Page 9


To get input from a user and process it, you use a form. A form is a portion of a page (perhaps the entire body) surrounded by <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="handler-file-name"> and </FORM>. The opening tag indicates the method by which the data gets sent to the server, and the name of the handler, a program that processes the data. In the form are placed fields for the user to type into, boxes to be checked, and a button to press to send the data on its way.

Simplest input: <INPUT NAME="zip">

Submit button: <INPUT TYPE="submit">

Example: <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www-evat.mit.edu/cgi-bin/iec.cgi">Type your Zip code here <INPUT NAME="zip">; then <INPUT TYPE="submit">.</FORM>

is rendered

Type your Zip code here ; then .

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