Hitachi, Ltd.
Beautiful graphical design. Large images, slow to download. Too wide for some browsers.
Cirrus Logic
Graphical approach might not appeal to everyone. Large graphics files, slow to download.
Balogh Scientific Books
It's not only large or high-tech companies that use the Web.
The White House
Extensive graphics. Slow to load.
WANTED on the Web (Massachusetts deadbeat dads)
Anyone here you recognize?
IRS Form 1040
Uses Adobe Acrobat. Excellent quality when printed. Accessible when libraries and banks are closed.
Judicial Brief, selected at random from many on the Web.
Small graphics. Serves both public relations and internal communications. Italics hard to read.
EE 2200
A university course assisted by interactive Web resources.
Electrical Engineering Departments
One of the earliest.
Savvy Search
Submits a request to about a dozen separate search engines and integrates the results.
Paul Penfield, Jr.
James S. Miller
Do you know us?
Wetterhorn, Switzerland
Photo courtesy of Philip Greenspun
Showing effects of comet impact, July 1994
Typical helper, SoundMachine.
Amelia Earhart talks of science's aids to women in 1935
540 k; 1 min., 8 sec.
26 k; 4 sec.
Video, with (or without) sound, QuickTime format
Typical helper, Simple Player.
Jupiter "Day"
Animation of the planet and its ring as seen from the moon Io (no sound, 2600 k; 37 sec.)
Launch of a Saturn V rocket (832 k; 10 sec.)
Video, without sound, MPEG format
Typical helper, Sparkle
First steps
An unnamed MIT Professor at an early age (400 k; 12 sec.)
National Electrical Engineering Department Heads Association
The Gainesville Civic Chorus
Santa Clara Chorale
Spectrum Singers
Dilbert, the favorite of all nerds.