The School of Engineering Infinite Mile Award recognizes extraordinary commitment, energy and enthusiasm on the part of staff.
left to right: Joseph Baylon and Dean Ian Waitz. Photo, School of Engineering
The awards ceremony held on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, attracted a standing-room-only assembly of very proud supporters. As the presenters shared stories for each winner, feelings of genuine inspiration filled the air as we listened, motivated by the abilities and talents of the infinite milers.
Our very own Joseph Baylon continuously goes the Infinite Mile and is honored this year among 14 other recipients of the School of Engineering's annual Infinite Mile Award for Excellence. Joseph Baylon--we commend you, and we thank you for being an excellent colleague, friend, and mentor. You are an asset to the team!
"The Infinite Mile Award for Excellence is presented to individuals or teams whose work is of the highest quality. The recipients stand out because of their high level of commitment and the enormous energy and enthusiasm they bring to their work." The next time you see Joe, congratulate him for his excellent support of MTL and MIT, as he reminds us that "a journey of a thousand [infinite] miles begins with a single step." --Lao-Tzu, Chinese philosopher.
Read the complete award citation here.