Nine students visit Texas Instruments in Santa Clara, CA for MTL Day at TI.
Standing, from left to right: Paul Emerson (TI), Dina El-Damak, Jim Wieser (TI), Alex Hanson, Arun Paidimarri, Dennis Buss (TI), Phil Nadeau, Prof. David Perreault. Kneeling in front, from left to right: Nachiket Desai, Preet Garcha, Rose Abramson, Samantha Gunter, Seungbum Lim.
On August 20th, nine students visited Texas Instruments (TI) in Santa Clara, CA, for MTL Day at TI. They were accompanied by Prof. David Perreault. The theme of the day was innovation.
The day began with a welcome by Ahmad Bahai, CTO of Texas Instruments. Ahmad described TI's strategies for innovation, and he emphasized the importance of MIT's contributions to the invention and development of new ideas. Baher Haroun and Jeff Morroni briefly described the innovative research that is currently under way in Kilby Labs. Prof. Perreault introduced MTL to the TI audience, and each student presented a short research summary. At noon, we adjourned for lunch. Our lunch speaker was Dave Heacock, Senior Vice President and Manager, Silicon Valley Analog (SVA). He talked about career opportunities and innovation at TI.
The afternoon agenda included individual discussion sessions, in which each student presented his/her research to a small group of TI specialists as well as a CTO round-table discussions of innovative ideas in power, high-voltage power and integrated magnetics.
The day concluded with dinner and discussions around how students can implement their innovative ideas at TI.
TI is a member of MTL's industrial consortium. We look forward with eager anticipation to our next MTL Day at TI.
--Dennis Buss, Texas Instruments for the Microsystems Technology Laboratories