Cross-section Transmission Electron Micrograph of MIT's 30 nm gate length InAs Pseudomorphic High-Electron Mobility Transistor presented at IEDM 2008. Courtesy Jesús del Alamo.
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), the conference committee of IEDM 2014 last December selected the ten most influential papers presented at this conference in the last decade. These papers were added to the list created 10 years ago on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of IEDM.
An MIT paper co-authored by then postdoctoral fellow Dae-Hyun Kim and Prof. Jesus del Alamo was selected among the top ten. The selected paper was presented at the 2008 IEDM and was titled: "30 nm E-Mode InAs PHEMTs for THz and Future Logic Applications." The selection committee credited this paper with demonstrating InAs transistors with world-record frequency response. The transistors featured in this work were fabricated in the facilities of the Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL), the Scanning Electron Beam Lithography (SEBL) facility and the NanoStructures Laboratory (NSL) of MIT. The research was sponsored by Intel Corporation and the Materials, Structures and Devices Center of the Focus Center Research Program.
To put this selection in perspective, this was the only university paper among all ten. All others but one came from major semiconductor companies. The last one came from a semiconductor start-up. The selection to this kind of "IEDM Hall of Fame" is significant because IEDM is the premier conference in electron devices were companies present their latest technology breakthroughs.
--Microsystems Technology Laboratories