A Lam Resarch technologist with MIT graduate students. Photo courtesy of Lam Research.On September 19, 2014, MTL hosted Lam Research Day at MTL, an all-day event organized by MTL and Lam Research, a member of MTL's Microsystems Industrial Group (MIG).
Representatives from Lam's Corporate Technology Development group, Global Products group, and College Relations all participated in order to interact with members of the faculty, research staff, and graduate students. The day's events provided an opportunity for both a technical exchange between Lam and MIT and for students to learn more about Lam.
The morning technical session began with an introduction by Professor Jesús del Alamo. Dr. David Hemker, Lam Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, presented the "Lam Technology Development and Roadmap." The morning session finished with "Strained Ge p-MOSFETs" by Professor Dimitri Antoniadis and "Finding New Circuit Designs with Novel Materials Integration" by Professor Eugene Fitzgerald.
Dr. Hemker presented a lunchtime seminar, "Atomic Layer Etch," open to the entire MIT community. The seminar was very well attended, with standing room only for those who came late.
For the afternoon session, there were talks by MTL faculty and research scientists. Professor John Hart spoke on "Processing of CNT Microstructures and Roll-to-Roll CVD of Graphene." Professor Tomas Palacios presented "Gallium Nitride: The Silicon of the 21st Century?" Dr. Anuradha Agarwal spoke on "Silicon Microphotonics for Near- and Mid-IR Light."
Following the technical talks came a poster session with over twenty posters from both MIT and Lam participants. The high quality of the posters attracted another large group of attendees that mingled together for a good span of time.
In parallel with the technical sessions, Lam's recruiters interviewed several students and postdocs interested in internships and permanent employment at Lam.
The Lam Research Day at MTL was deemed a great success by all those who participated.
--Bill Holber, MTL Associate Director, Industrial Relations; 2/26/2015