Tuesday, September 16th, 2-14 is MTL/RLE Picture Day. While it's not obligatory, it's certainly very desirable for us to have professionally-shot photos of our students, faculty, and staff for usage in MTL publications such as our website. Very desirable, indeed: we hope very much to see you there!
Please show up between the hours of 10:00am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-4:00pm. Please note the photographer will be taking a lunch break between 12pm and 12:30pm. You do not need to sign up in advance. Photos will be available for download approximately 2 weeks after the shoot and grouped by supervisor.
For RLE members, photos will be available for download from here.
For MTL members, photos will be available for download from here.
MTL/RLE Photoshoot
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
10am-12pm and 12:30pm-4pm
Building 36, Allen Room, 36-462
Everyone who'd like their photo taken (or updated from last year) is welcome to attend. Staff, students, faculty... you're all encouraged to stop by! Please forward this email on to everyone in your groups. Hope to see you there!
"But I don't think I'm a part of MTL... can I still have my photo taken?"
Is your advisor one of our Core or Affiliate faculty members? Do you do any work in MTL labs or with MTL-supplied tools? If you can answer yes to either of these questions, then you're part of MTL.
See you in two weeks!