MTL Day at IBM
February 1, 2014
Photo of MTL visitors to IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. The IBM host was Dr. Ghavam Shahidi (center).
On November 21, 2013, a group from MTL visited IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. Dr. Ghavam Shahidi of IBM and Dr. William Holber, Associate Director of Industrial relations for MTL, organized the visit. At the close of the meeting Dr. Shahidi noted, "We in IBM Research are very appreciative of the visit by our colleagues from MIT. We are highly impressed by work carried out in MTL and by the presentations. These close contacts lay the foundation for even closer collaboration between IBM and MIT in both technology and design."
The MTL presenters consisted of two faculty (Professor Vladimir Bulovic and Professor Tomas Palacios) and 8 graduate students. The day's schedule was the following:
- Professor Vladimir Bulovic, "MTL Innovation Foundry"
- Professor Tomas Palacios, "GaN and Graphene: Extreme Materials for Future Electronics"
- Rahul Rithe (Anantha Chandrakasan), "Reconfigurable Processor for Energy-Efficient Computational Photography"
- Sunghyuk Lee (Harry Lee), "A 1GS/s 10b 18.9mW Time-interleaved SAR ADC with Background Timing-skew Calibration"
- Suvinay Subramanian (Li-Shiuan Peh), "SCORPIO: A 36-core cache coherent processor on a snoopy ordered mesh"
- Eric Winokur (Charlie Sodini), "A Wearable Vital Signs Monitor at the Ear"
- Bichoy Bahr (Dana Weinstein), "CMOS-integrated MEMS resonators"
- Sam Nicaise (Karl Berggren), "Nanofabrication Tools for Templated Self-Assembly of Block Copolymer Nanostructures"
- Yan Cai (Lionel Kimerling), "Solutions for Future Silicon Photonics"
- Jamie Teherani (Judy Hoyt / Dimitri Antoniadis), "Enhanced Hole Ballistic Velocity in Germanium Nanowire p-MOSFETs through Asymmetric Strain"
--William Holber, Associate Director, Sponsor Relations, MTL