MTL News Archives for 2012

Core Faculty Profile: Kripa Varanasi

March 7, 2012

This is part of an ongoing series about new MTL core faculty members.

varanasi.jpgDr. Kripa Varanasi is the Doherty Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. The primary focus of his research is in the development of nano-engineered surface, interface, and coating technologies that can dramatically enhance performance in energy, water, agriculture, transportation, buildings, and electronics cooling systems. Dr. Varanasi has numerous publications and filed more than 30 patents in this area.

Prof. Varanasi's research group's mission is to bring about transformational efficiency enhancements in the aforementioned industries by fundamentally altering thermal-fluid-surface interactions across multiple length and time scales. They are enabling this approach via highly interdisciplinary research focused on nanoengineered surfaces and interfaces, thermal-fluid science and new materials discovery, combined with scalable nanomanufacturing for significant efficiency gains, reduction in CO2 emissions, and prevention of catastrophic failures in real industrial applications.