The MTL Chamber Players performed a concert titled "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue," featuring music by Bach, Riegger, Harbison, Muczynski and Rutter in pieces all selected for their brevity. The concert was Friday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. in Killian Hall.
The MTL chamber group was formed in 2003 by Professor Emeritus Stephen Senturia, a clarinetist, and Ole Nielsen (S.B. 2001, S.M. 2002), a flautist. The ensemble includes bass clarinetist Joe Kanapka (S.M. 1998, Ph.D. 2002), and clarinetist Elizabeth Connors, (administrative assistant, Music and Theater Arts Section). Senturia and then-doctoral candidate Ole Nielsen discovered their common devotion to chamber music while working together in MIT's Microsystems Technology Laboratory, giving the group its name.