MARC2017 is back with the theme MTL EXPO!
Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) is an annual conference celebrating the research achievements of students and staff using MTL’s facilities and services in their varied electronics and material research. It brings together students, postdocs, faculty, and industrial partners of MTL at MIT.
This year, MARC is part of the MTL EXPO 2017, a week-long set of exciting events happening at MTL. Specifically, the MARC2017 experience will include research showcases with pitches, posters, demos and featured talks from MTL researchers, presentations by Microsystems Industrial Group (MIG) members and networking opportunities.
MARC2017 will take place from Jan. 31-Feb. 1 at the Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, NH. The first day of the conference is dedicated to winter and social activities such as skiing, snowshoeing, historic hotel tour, the “Escape the Lab” game, and so on, as per MARC tradition! The technical conference on day two will highlight the state-of-art research accomplishments of MTL researchers.
With the contributions of the student presenters, conference staff, the exuberance of our industry guests, and the beauty of this serene, elegant location, we aim to make this MARC the most intriguing and synergistic yet!
Please explore the website for more details on the conference agenda, speakers, and of course all of the most pertinent deadlines that you will need to know.
MARC2017's planning and execution was the combined effort of many individuals. Here is a list of the people who helped put it all together.