January 19-20, 2011; Boston Marriot Cambridge MARC2011

About MARC

The Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) is an MTL-wide forum presenting research achievements of the past year while encouraging interaction among MTL students, faculty, and industry partners. Formerly known as the MTL Student Research Review, the conference underwent an identity renovation in 2005. MARC2011 will be the seventh year of this student-led conference, but stems directly from the former MTL annual student research reviews, created by MIT professor Paul Penfield in 1990. The student reviews/MARC have been held at various locations through the years, from the MIT Endicott House to the Waterville Valley Conference and Event Center.

All grad students, postdocs, visiting scientists, and staff working within MTL, or whose advisers are MTL affiliated, are invited (and encouraged!) to submit work to be presented at the conference. The conference itself will kick-off on January 19th with a social hour, dinner, and evening session. The technical portion of the conference will begin on January 20th.

MARC2011 was held at the Boston Marriott Cambridge, located a short distance from the main MIT campus.

MARC2011 Steering Committee
Name Role
Jing Kong Chair
Priya Jadhav
Patrick Mercier
Dana Weinstein Faculty Advisor
Sam Crooks Finance and Organization
Debroah Hodges-Pabon Meeting Organization and Logistics
Jack Dong (chair)
Kailang Chen
Jackie Hu
Circuits and Systems Session
Geoffrey Supran (chair)
Andrew Jones
Jiye Lee
Nanotechnology and Energy Applications Session
Jamie Teherani (chair)
Ling Xia
Han Wang
Electronic and Photonic Devices Session
Nader Shaar, chair
Samuel Chang
Radhika Marathe
BioMEMS/MEMS Session
Marcus Yip Poster Presentation Coordinator
Radhika Marathe Awards Coordinator
Valerie DiNardo
Dan Adams
Ryan O’Keefe
Dave Terry
Tim Turner
Logistics Team
Mara Karapetian (Website and Conference Proceedings)
Paul McGrath (Photography)
Dave Terry (Photography)
Publications Team