January 24-25, 2007
Waterville Valley Conference & Event Center
About the Conference
For over 17 years, MTL has held a yearly meeting that gives students
an opportunity to share their research with other members of the
community. In 2005, we introduced a new identity
for the student review, now known as the MTL Annual Research Conference.
The objectives of MARC are to provide an MTL-wide forum for the
presentation of the research achievements of the past year and to
promote interaction between MTL students, faculty, and industry partners.
We are pleased to once again return to Waterville Valley in 2007
for two days of business with pleasure.
MARC2007 Steering Committee
Prof. Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Steering Committee Chair
Prof. Vladimir Bulovic, Faculty Advisor
Samuel C. Crooks, Finance
Mara E. Karapetian. Publications
Debroah Hodges-Pabon, Meeting Organization
Paul McGrath, Photography
Prof. Vladimir Stojanovic, Faculty Advisor
Naveen Verma, Past Program Committee Chair (MARC 2006)
MARC2007 Technical Program Committee
Farinaz Edalat, Program Committee Co-Chair
Osama Nayfeh, Program Committee Co-Chair
Vivienne Sze, Awards Coordinator
Jianping Fu, Presentation Coordinator
Circuits & Systems Session
Fred Chen, Chair
Tania Khanna, Co-Chair
Vivienne Sze
Photonics Session
Jason Orcutt, Chair
Juejun Hu, Co-Chair
MEMS & BioMEMS Session
Alexis Weber, Chair
Valerie Leblanc, Co-Chair
Salil Desai
Phil Dextras
Jianping Fu
Molecular & Nanotechnology Session
Ivan Nausieda,Chair
Alfonso Reina Cecco, Co-Chair
Mihail Bora
Electronic Devices & Emerging Technologies Session
Niamh Waldron, Chair
Leo Gomez, Co-Chair
Nigel Drego
MARC2007 Publications Committee
Mara E. Karapetian, Publications Chair
Nigel Drego, Web Programming
Rhonda Maynard, Proofreading
Paul McGrath, Photography