{"id":1617,"date":"2013-07-25T18:30:30","date_gmt":"2013-07-25T18:30:30","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mtlsites.mit.edu\/annual_reports\/2013\/?p=1617"},"modified":"2013-08-30T14:46:53","modified_gmt":"2013-08-30T14:46:53","slug":"l-shaped-resonant-microring-filter-with-integrated-thermal-tuner","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mtlsites.mit.edu\/annual_reports\/2013\/l-shaped-resonant-microring-filter-with-integrated-thermal-tuner\/","title":{"rendered":"L-shaped Resonant Microring Filter with Integrated Thermal Tuner"},"content":{"rendered":"
Silicon photonics enables wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) networks to be efficiently and cost effectively implemented on chip with potential for multi-terabit\/s communication links. Microring-based filters perform the multiplexing and demultiplexing operations and require tight alignment between the laser line and filter resonances, which drift by process\/wafer variations and dynamic temperature fluctuations. Therefore, high-speed thermo-optic control of microring filters is necessary in silicon photonic communication links. The challenge is in implementing such control efficiently. Without using complex undercut etch processes, the most efficient thermo-optic tunable filters to date have been demonstrated with a 4.4 \u00b5W\/GHz tuning efficiency, 1-\u00b5s thermal time constant, and a free spectral range (FSR) of 5.6 THz[1<\/a>]<\/sup>. For a WDM link with \u00b1 200<\/sup>C variation due to processor activity, thermal tuning will consume ~1.8 mW\u00a0((M. R. Watts , W. A. Zortman , D. C. Trotter , G. N. Nielson , D. L. Luck and R. W. Yong\u00a0 “Adiabatic resonant microrings (ARMs) with directly integrated thermal microphotonics”,\u00a0\u00a0in Proc. Conf. Lasers Electro-Opt.<\/i>,\u00a0 pp.1 -2 2009.)) power as opposed to an integrated microdisk modulator with a 3-fJ\/bit performance and a power consumption of 30 \u00b5W at a data rate of 10 Gb\/s[2<\/a>]<\/sup>. Therefore, it is essential to introduce new resonators. Additionally, high-speed thermal tuning can enable reconfigurable networks as well as track the dynamic processor activity. However, the buried oxide thickness around the microring filter favors either thermal tuning efficiency or speed.<\/p>\n